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Public Procurement Document Library

In this section we have tried to bring all the documents related with Public Procurement at one place. Our endeavour is to facilitate the supplier community and save their precious time, searching for various documents. We declare and accept that all the IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) or the Copyrights belong to the respective organizations only and TendersOnTime has nothing to do with the content. Further, users are advised to contact the respective organization for any clarification. TendersOnTime does not guarantee the accuracy, currency, reliability and the correctness of any document listed in this section.


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This section is a treasure trove of procurement related information and knowledge.It contains important Glossary, Standard Bidding Documents, information about Multilateral Funding Agencies, Standard Codes and many more.
All the provided here is subject to the disclaimer provided at the bottom of the page

Tendersontime (Global Tenders Service Pvt. Ltd.) do not claim any Copyright of any content presented on this website. The IPR and Trademarks etc belongs to the respective entity.
Our endeavour is to just put all the documents, files, information etc at one place for our users' convenience. We do not claim the completeness, accuracy and authenticity of the information such collected from different sources.

These documents and the information contained therein is for reference purpose only and is not meant to be comprehensive. We neither approve nor endorse any material presented in this section. Users are requested to approach the respective agency or visit their website for getting authentic information. By using this information the user unconditionally indemnifies Tendersontime (Global Tenders Service Pvt. Ltd.) from any losses, claims arising out of use of this information.