BIHAR STATE POWER HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED has floated a tender for Bsphcl Invites Bids in E-Tender Mode only from Reputed and Eligible Bidders to Provide Consultancy Support on Retainership Basis for Establishment of Strategy and Program Management Unit (Spmu) for Pr.... The project location is Patna, Bihar, India. The reference number is - and it is closing on 24 Feb 2025.
Suppliers can request Register free of cost to get the complete Tender details and download the document.
Procurement Summary
State : Bihar
Summary : Bsphcl Invites Bids in E-Tender Mode only from Reputed and Eligible Bidders to Provide Consultancy Support on Retainership Basis for Establishment of Strategy and Program Management Unit (Spmu) for Pr...