NELLIMARLA NAGARA PANCHAYAT has floated a tender for Construction of Cc Drains from 1) Boni Aappalanaidu House (H.No.1252) to Maddila Nagamma House (H.No.1255) 2) Seela Appalasuri Land to Kanakala Venkataramana House (H.No.316) 3) Ampolu Appalanaidu Hou.... The project location is Nellimarla, Andhra Pradesh, India. The reference number is - and it is closing on 05 Feb 2025.
Suppliers can request Register free of cost to get the complete Tender details and download the document.
Procurement Summary
State : Andhra Pradesh
Summary : Construction of Cc Drains from 1) Boni Aappalanaidu House (H.No.1252) to Maddila Nagamma House (H.No.1255) 2) Seela Appalasuri Land to Kanakala Venkataramana House (H.No.316) 3) Ampolu Appalanaidu Hou...