Construction Of Gram Panchayat Office Building In Nagarala Village At Mudhol Taluka Tender

RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND PANCHAYAT RAJ DEPARTMENT, GOVT OF KARNATAKA has floated a tender for Construction Of Gram Panchayat Office Building In Nagarala Village At Mudhol Taluka. The project location is Koppa, Karnataka, India. The reference number is RDPR/2023-24/IND1999 and it is closing on 09 Mar 2024. Suppliers can request Register free of cost to get the complete Tender details and download the document.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

State : Karnataka

Summary : Construction Of Gram Panchayat Office Building In Nagarala Village At Mudhol Taluka

Deadline : 09 Mar 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 98000899

Document Ref. No. : RDPR/2023-24/IND1999

Competition : NCB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Document Fees : ₹ 500

Tender Value : ₹ 1363238.85

EMD : ₹ 34000.00

Purchaser's Detail

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Address : Login to see tender_details

Email : Login to see tender_details

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Tender Details

Construction Of Gram Panchayat Office Building In Nagarala Village At Mudhol Taluka
1. NGOFF-Add White lead paint, gasket, cement, sand for making good the wall and floor at 2% on Material, Qty: 176.49 LS, Amt: 176.49
2. NGOFF-Mosquito proof coupling 25mm, Qty: 3.00 Each, Amt: 141.00
3. NGOFF-Special for overflow pipe, Qty: 3.00 Each, Amt: 111.87
4. NGOFF-G.I. Overflow pipe 20mm dia, Qty: 5.55 m, Amt: 729.05
5. NGOFF-M.S. holder bat clamp 32mm, Qty: 3.00 Each, Amt: 114.42
6. NGOFF-G.I. 32mm dia telescopic flush pipes with fittings specials, Qty: 3.00 Each, Amt: 961.02
7. NGOFF-C.I. / M.S. brackets for flushing cistern, Qty: 3.00 Each, Amt: 165.27
8. NGOFF-P.V.C. flushing cistern 10 lts low level with fitting, Qty: 3.00 Each, Amt: 1601.70
9. NGOFF-100mm S or P trap, Qty: 3.00 Each, Amt: 152.55
10. NGOFF-Orissa pattern of size 580x440mm with integral type foot rests, Qty: 3.00 Each, Amt: 14652.00
11. NGOFF-Add Brush, putty, sand paper, roller at 5% on cost of paint, Qty: 642.89 LS, Amt: 642.89
12. NGOFF-Plastic emulsion paint, Qty: 55.88 Ltr, Amt: 15647.38
13. NGOFF-Add Brush, putty, sand paper at 2% on cost of paint, Qty: 112.91 LS, Amt: 112.91
14. NGOFF-water proofing cement paint, Qty: 70.57 Kg, Amt: 4022.39
15. NGOFF-White cement, Qty: 0.01 Quintal, Amt: 27.20
16. NGOFF-Ceramic tiles of size 30 x 30 cms, Qty: 14.92 Sqm, Amt: 7383.42
17. NGOFF-Add White cement for pointing at 2% on Material, Qty: 69.31 LS, Amt: 69.31
18. NGOFF-Border Tiles 30 x 10 cms, Qty: 10.88 No, Amt: 1355.44
19. NGOFF-Glazed tiles 300x450, Qty: 6.39 Sqm, Amt: 3164.84
20. NGOFF-Adhesive for joints, Qty: 24.92 Kg, Amt: 1584.17
21. NGOFF-High bond tile adhesive for vitrified tiles, Qty: 124.62 Kg, Amt: 2640.70
22. NGOFF-Vitrified tiles 600x600 mm, Qty: 130.85 Sqm, Amt: 81127.62
23. NGOFF-Binding wire, Qty: 42.84 Kg, Amt: 2356.20
24. NGOFF-TMT bars Fe 500, Qty: 4.61 Tonne, Amt: 277100.91
25. NGOFF-Add Brush at 1% on cost of paint, Qty: 2.25 LS, Amt: 2.25
26. NGOFF-Enamel metal paint, Qty: 0.90 Ltr, Amt: 185.34
Category: GOODS
EMD: 34000.00
Est Amt: 1363238.85
Entity Type: Government Department
Tender Fees: 500.00


 Tender Notice