MADHYA PRADESH STATE CO OPERATIVE MARKETING FEDERATION LIMITED has floated a tender for Construction of Plant Selling Counter in Nursery of Horticulture Department under Rkvy Scheme at Govt. Udhayanki Prakshetra Jamuniya Distt. Chhindwara (1St Call). The project location is Jehangirabad, Madhya Pradesh, India. The reference number is - and it is closing on 08 Jan 2025.
Suppliers can request Register free of cost to get the complete Tender details and download the document.
Procurement Summary
State : Madhya Pradesh
Summary : Construction of Plant Selling Counter in Nursery of Horticulture Department under Rkvy Scheme at Govt. Udhayanki Prakshetra Jamuniya Distt. Chhindwara (1St Call)