MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED (MSEDCL) has floated a tender for Contract for Mri and Tod Meter Reading and Data Entry/ Punching of (Lt-Ii &V) Consumers under Saswad Sub-Division. The project location is Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. The reference number is EE/SWD/T-01/2024-25 and it is closing on 22 Jun 2024.
Suppliers can request Register free of cost to get the complete Tender details and download the document.
Procurement Summary
State : Maharashtra
Summary : Contract for Mri and Tod Meter Reading and Data Entry/ Punching of (Lt-Ii &V) Consumers under Saswad Sub-Division
CONTRACT FOR MRI AND TOD METER READING AND DATA ENTRY/ PUNCHING OF (LT-II &V) CONSUMERS UNDER SASWAD SUB-DIVISION Estimated Cost inclusive of GST [in Rupees in Lakhs ] :-10 Tender Fee [in Rupees] :-1000 GST(@18% on Tender Fee:SAC No.9984) in Rs. :-180.00 Total Tender Fee Amount including GST in Rs. :-1180 Tender Validity[in days] :-Tender/offer should be kept valid for acceptance upto and including last day of the calender month covering the completion of days from the date of tender opening. Sale Opening Date: download6.pdf~ PRICE BID :-23-06-2024 15:00