JODHPUR VIDYUT VITRAN NIGAM LIMITED (JVVNL) has floated a tender for Corrigendum: Erec of 33 Kv Line Sc 400 M with Acsr Dog Conductor Toff from 132 Kv Sumerpur to 3311 Kv Ss Sanderao Feeder Construction of 3311 Kv Ss at Netra with Associated 11 Kv Ic Line and Civil Wor.... The project location is Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. The reference number is - and it is closing on 23 Dec 2024.
Suppliers can request Register free of cost to get the complete Tender details and download the document.
Procurement Summary
State : Rajasthan
Summary : Corrigendum: Erec of 33 Kv Line Sc 400 M with Acsr Dog Conductor Toff from 132 Kv Sumerpur to 3311 Kv Ss Sanderao Feeder Construction of 3311 Kv Ss at Netra with Associated 11 Kv Ic Line and Civil Wor...