Procurement Summary
State : Delhi (NCT)
Summary : Fao Invites Eoi from Potential Partners for Identifying Innovative Solutions to Promote Adoption of Sustainable Agriculture Practices and Value Chains for Farmers' Organizations in Punjab, Haryana, Ch...
Deadline : 15 Mar 2024
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
TOT Ref.No.: 97999997
Document Ref. No. : 2024/FAIND/FAIND/126152
Competition : ICB
Financier : Food And Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Document Fees : Refer Document
Tender Value : Refer Document
EMD : Refer Document
Purchaser's Detail
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Fao Invites Eoi From Potential Partners For Identifying Innovative Solutions To Promote Adoption Of Sustainable Agriculture Practices And Value Chains For Farmers' Organizations In Punjab, Haryana, Chhattisgarh And Odisha
FAO invites potential partners who wish to express their interest with a submission of EoI by 15 March and to confirm their availability to discuss the concept through a physical meeting to be held with FAO India between 15th- 20th March 2024. GENERAL INFORMATION The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) intends to pre-identify potential partnerorganizations capable of promoting sustainable agriculture and value chains of commodities produced by the participating farmers with the aim of potentially soliciting proposals shortly thereafter. The field activities aims to enhance capacities of farmers and farmer organizations, farmers' incomes and resilience, through learning and adoption of sustainable and environmentally sound agriculture practices including other small-scale farm based activities for livelihood improvement, access to markets and introduction of innovative financial solutions particularly for farmers who are currently engaged in high-input rice and wheat production. These practices will focus on priority issues such as sustainable land and water management, organic and/or reduced input farming, integrated pest management, in-situ agrobiodiversity conservation and agroforestry as well as innovations that incentivize adoption of these activities. The project will support innovative solutions on food systems, climate change, biodiversity and other related themes with potential to generate global environment benefits, addressing both supply and demand-side issues including improved access to publicand private services such as sustainable energy, financial services for supporting green value chains, and rural markets and technology for small and marginal producers. Background The Promotion of Sustainable Food Systems in India through Transforming Rice-Wheat Systems is funded by the GEF, coordinated by FAO and implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare (MoAFW) in four states: Punjab, Haryana, Chhattisgarh and Odisha. The details of the project area are given in the table below to cover 2.7 lakh farmers across these four states (Punjab, Haryana, Chhattisgarh and Odisha). Specific activities 1. Conduct a baseline assessment of current agricultural practices, market accessibility and Green House Gas (GHG) emissions from current agricultural practices in the areas where the solution is to be implemented. 2. Implement the innovative solution, model etc. that has been proposed, showcasing its relevance to the project area, social, economic, and global environment benefits, potential for scaling up, ability to attract private sector financing, etc. 3. Based on the solution develop integrated packages (including learning curriculum but not limited to FFS curriculum, capacity building plans and guidelines, demonstration protocols, etc.) for delivering the model to at least 500 farmers (40% women and 30% Scheduled Tribes in Odisha and Chhattisgarh) from kharif 2024 onwards in minimum one state within the contract period with at least 65-75 percent adoption among the targeted farmers. The project will encourage the engagement of FPOs, SHGs, co-operatives and their federations/other farmer organizations that are existing in the project areas based on a selection criteria agreed with the project. 4. Strengthen the capacities of the selected farmers and farmer organizations for the development of their economic activities and green value chains (including but not limited to aggregation of inputs, output marketing, processing, service provision, etc.) that leverages the innovative solution being proposed.5. Develop protocols for monitoring and reporting adoption of practices being promoted by the targeted farmers on a periodic basis. To the extent possible leverage the FAO Management Information System (MIS) that has been developed for the project. 6. Create a pool of facilitators and farmer leaders to effectively facilitate learning sessions and provide support to the participating farmers beyond the period of the contract. 7. Additionally, carry out the below tasks: - In case the targeted farmers include indigenous people (especially in Chhattisgarh and Odisha) then conduct the process of Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) as per FAO's Environment and Social Management Framework (ESMF) guidelines; - Register all farmers included in the field activities with the registration form that the project prepared; and - Socio-economic survey for the baseline. The socio-economic survey should leverage the existing field facilitators (and if required hire additional manpower) and will entail the following: - Piloting the survey instrument developed by the project using handheld devices; - Locate sample households in the field based on the random survey list generated by the project in the targeted districts; - Collect, in an efficient and reliable manner, quantitative data at the household and village level based on the survey instrument developed by the project; and - In caseof data discrepancy re-collect data based on the guidance given by the project team. Expected Outputs 1. Inception report that details the innovative solution being proposed including approach for covering at least 500 farmers in the proposed state and highlighting the participative approaches to be used. 2. Cost-benefit analysis of the innovative solution being proposed. 3. Tools (learning curriculum, capacity building plans and guidelines, demonstration protocols, etc.) being used for supporting adoption of the innovative solution. 4. Report on green value chain development that highlights how the innovative solutions have been integrated into longer value chains. 5. Six-monthly progress reports (physical and financial) in a format agreed with the project including case studies, learning outcomes, and other relevant documentation. 6. Regular submission of data for the pilot and baseline survey in a manner specified by the project. 7. Final comprehensive report that captures the lessons learnt and the path for upscaling the innovative solution. MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS In order to qualify, the organizations intending to participate must meet the following requirements: - Not be currently suspended or debarred by FAO, any other UN organization, the EU or the World Bank; - Adherence to the principles stated in the ToR; - Interested parties should provide: - The name of the organization, the name a title of the representative of the organization, telephone number and email address of the representative; - A copy of legal status including registration documents and other relevant certifications, etc.; - Organizational structure and profile; - Staff engaged as part of this assignment must have a regular contract with the organization; - Qualifications and experience details of the staff engaged in the programme; and - Working knowledge of English in report writing and local languages in implementing field activities is mandatory. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Interested parties should provide: • A description of the organization's experience and capabilities, including recent operations managed by the organization that clearly illustrate at least three years of experience in the field of requirement; • A minimum of three (3) references of prior similar work experience where the proposer has carried out similar contracts; and • Description of the capacity to perform the services described as requested under response form C. Duration of assignment The duration of the assignment is two years from the date of signing of the contract.
Publish Date: 01-Mar-2024
Type of Notice: Request for EOI
Tender Notice