Procurement Summary
State : Bihar
Summary : Government Engineering College, Madhubani (GEC, Madhubani) intends to hire an Onboarding Service Provider for LAN and Wi-Fi Networking and Augmenting the existing Network in the college campus at Pand...
Deadline : 16 Aug 2024
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
TOT Ref.No.: 104827145
Document Ref. No. : GECM/03/2024-25
Competition : NCB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Document Fees : Refer Document
Tender Value : Refer Document
EMD : ₹ 25000
Purchaser's Detail
Name :Login to see tender_details
Address : Login to see tender_details
Email : Login to see tender_details
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Government Engineering College, Madhubani (GEC, Madhubani) intends to hire an Onboarding Service Provider for LAN and Wi-Fi Networking and Augmenting the existing Network in the college campus at Pand...
Government Engineering College, Madhubani (GEC, Madhubani) intends to hire an Onboarding Service Provider for LAN and Wi-Fi Networking and Augmenting the existing Network in the college campus at Pand...
Detail desc:Government Engineering College, Madhubani (GEC, Madhubani) intends to hire an Onboarding Service Provider for LAN and Wi-Fi Networking and Augmenting the existing Network in the college campus at Pandaul, Madhubani. Hence, GEC, Madhubani invites bids from eligible entities/vendors through the two bid system as per the requirements and terms and conditions mentioned in the tender document.Interested bidders may download the tender document available on w.e.f. 27.07.2024 and submit their bids (Technical and Financial) with all the requisite documents/certificates/declarations etc. on or before 16/08/2024 at the same portal. A sum of Rs. 25000/- (Twenty five thousand rupees only) towards Earnest Money Deposit (EMD), in the form of a Demand Draft, drawn on any scheduled bank in favour of Principal, Government Engineering College, Madhubani, must be submitted as per instruction given in the tender document. The tender processing fee will be applicable as per the rule of e-Proc2.0 portal. The GEC, Madhubani does not take any responsibility for the delay/non-submission of tender/non-reconciliation of online payment caused due to non-availability of internet connection, network traffic, holidays or any other reason. The GEC, Madhubani reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the bids or can change the terms and conditions of the NIT or even cancel the tender at any stage before the award of the contract.Note: Interested bidders may contact the institute for any query related to this NIT on working days. Bids will be accepted only on
Tender Creator : Mr Dr. Vikash Kumar (Principal In Charge)
Bid Parts : 2
System Tender No. : 65744
Procurement Category : IT-Related-works
Tender Type : Open Tender
Minimum Number Of Bids : 2
Ranking Sequence : L1 Ranking
Tender Issuing Authority : Dr. Vikash Kumar (Principal)
Category : ITEM RATE
Estimated Value Visibility Flag : N
Tender Call No. : }
Offer Validity Days : 180
Tender Approving Authority : Dr. Vikash Kumar (Principal)
NIT : 1. Government Engineering College, Madhubani runs under the Department of Science, Technology and Technical Education, Government of Bihar to cater to the needs of technical education. The college intends to invite bids from eligible entities/vendors/agencies for hiring Onboarding Service Provider for LAN & Wi-Fi networking and augmenting the existing network in its premises at Pandaul, Madhubani as mentioned in the tender document. 2. The contract will be signed between Government Engineering College, Madhubani and the successful agency/bidder. 3. To participate in the e-tendering process, the bidders/vendors/agencies are required to get themselves registered with 4. Schedule of Events: As per tender document 5. Bidders should download the tender document available on and submit their bids accordingly. 6. The Government Engineering College, Madhubani will select the bidder based on Least Cost Selection (LCS) method for Onboarding Service P...
Tender Notice