Procurement Summary
State : Delhi (NCT)
Summary : India Climate Change Adaptation Firm Survey
Deadline : 05 Aug 2024
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
TOT Ref.No.: 104792871
Document Ref. No. : 0002010345
Competition : ICB
Financier : World Bank (WB)
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Document Fees : Refer Document
Tender Value : Refer Document
EMD : Refer Document
Purchaser's Detail
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REQUEST FOR ExPRESSION OF INTEREST 0002010345 ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTIONSELECTION FOR CONSULTANTS BY THEWORLD BANK GROUPREQUEST FOR ExPRESSIONS OFINTERESTElectronic Submissions throughWorld Bank Group RFxNow ASSIGNMENT OVERVIEWAssignment Title: India Climate Change Adaptation Firm SurveyAssignment Countries: IndiaThe World Bank (WB)intends to carry out a face-to-face firm survey in India to understand how firmsare being affected by climate change and how they are adapting to it. Thislarge-scale survey is expected to have a sample size of around 1000 firms in2-3 states. It will collect quantitative data on firm experience with extremeweather events, how it impacted them, and their beliefs about climate change.The survey will gather information on the adaptation investments the firm isplanning to make and the constraints that they face when making thoseinvestments. It will also collect information on general characteristics, suchas firm size, revenue, and assets. The sample may be stratified by locationcharacteristics to ensure adequate coverage of firms that are especiallyvulnerable to shocks such as floods and heat. The scope of the workinvolves the following, among others: · Identifying and securing orgenerating relevant and up-to-date sample frames. · Finetuning a sampling strategybased on guidelines provided by the WB. · Translating the draftquestionnaire provided by the WB into the local language.· Field testing and finalizingquestionnaire through a pilot. Inadditional, a pre-pilot may be necessary to test and finetune complex questionsfor eliciting firm beliefs and preferences. · Conducting face-to-faceinterviews with firms. · Data entry, cleaning and timelydelivery of data in STATA format. INDIVIDUAL/FIRM PROFILE The consultant will be afirm. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTSThe World Bank Group nowinvites eligible firms to indicate their interest in providing the services.Interested consultants must provide...
Tender Notice