RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND PANCHAYAT RAJ DEPARTMENT, GOVT OF KARNATAKA has floated a tender for Mandalageri Kichen Building. The project location is Koppa, Karnataka, India. The reference number is RDPR/2024-25/IND2874 and it is closing on 16 Jul 2024. Suppliers can request Register free of cost to get the complete Tender details and download the document.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

State : Karnataka

Summary : Mandalageri Kichen Building

Deadline : 16 Jul 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 103330772

Document Ref. No. : RDPR/2024-25/IND2874

Competition : NCB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Document Fees : ₹ 500

Tender Value : ₹ 454722.66

EMD : ₹ 11368.00

Purchaser's Detail

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Address : Login to see tender_details

Email : Login to see tender_details

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Tender Details

Mandalageri Kichen Building
1. GPMKPortland Cement, Qty: 11.51 Tonne, Amt: 67473.80
2. GPMKAdd watering charges at 1 % on Material, Qty: 2581.12 Lump Sum for Each, Amt: 2581.12
3. GPMKAdd watering charges at 1 % on Labour, Qty: 10.59 Lump Sum for Each, Amt: 10.59
4. GPMKAdd sundries charges at 2 % on Material, Qty: 222.30 Lump Sum for Each, Amt: 222.30
5. GPMKAdd sundries charges at 1 % on Material, Qty: 4467.76 Lump Sum for Each, Amt: 4467.77
6. GPMKAdd sundries charges at 1 % on Labour, Qty: 10.59 Lump Sum for Each, Amt: 10.59
7. GPMKAdd Handling, loading and unloading at 2% on Material, Qty: 389.23 Lump Sum for Each, Amt: 389.23
8. GPMKMixer (concrete) - 1 cum Capacity, Qty: 1.47 Day, Amt: 3496.29
9. GPMKMixer (concrete small used in culvert), Qty: 18.99 Hour, Amt: 7008.98
10. GPMKHOM of Vibrator 0.71 days, Qty: 0.64 Day, Amt: 187.64
11. GPMKTMT bars Fe 500, Qty: 1.15 Tonne, Amt: 69339.91
12. GPMKSilver oak or equivalent planks 38 mm thick, Qty: 0.28 Cum, Amt: 5828.39
13. GPMKRubble stones, Qty: 24.61 Cum, Amt: 11719.04
14. GPMKJungle wood runners and planks, Qty: 0.05 Cum, Amt: 1498.65
15. GPMKCasurina Poles 75 - 100 mm dia, Qty: 1.90 Mtr, Amt: 71.01
16. GPMKCasurina poles 100 - 150 mm, Qty: 51.94 Mtr, Amt: 2465.30
17. GPMKBurnt bricks class 35 (non modular), Qty: 11688.99 No, Amt: 93511.88
18. GPMKBroken stone aggregate 40 mm size, Qty: 3.03 Cum, Amt: 3611.18
19. GPMKBroken stone aggregate 20 mm size, Qty: 7.56 Cum, Amt: 10074.69
20. GPMKBroken stone aggregate 12 mm to 10 mm size, Qty: 5.61 Cum, Amt: 7635.79
21. GPMKBond stone 20 x 20 x 45 cm, Qty: 135.36 Each, Amt: 3654.60
22. GPMKBinding wire, Qty: 10.72 Kg, Amt: 589.60
23. GPMKPlasticizer / super plasticizer, Qty: 30.91 Kg, Amt: 5904.31
24. GPMKCoarse sand (zone III), Qty: 30.24 Cum, Amt: 44635.87
25. GPMKWelder Grade I, Qty: 3.50 Day, Amt: 1802.20
26. GPMKMS flat, Qty: 90.00 Kg, Amt: 4427.76
27. GPMKAdd Wire brush, fine steel wool, putty, sand paper, at 3% on cost of paint, Qty: 1.61 Lump Sum for Each, Amt: 1.62
Category: GOODS
EMD: 11368.00
Est Amt: 454722.66
Entity Type: Government Department
Tender Fees: 500.00


 Tender Notice
