Material Requirement For Chikkalaki Village Govt High School Compound At Bidari Gp,... Tender

RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND PANCHAYAT RAJ DEPARTMENT, GOVT OF KARNATAKA has floated a tender for Material Requirement For Chikkalaki Village Govt High School Compound At Bidari Gp, Jamkhandi Tq. The project location is Koppa, Karnataka, India. The reference number is RDPR/2024-25/IND2697 and it is closing on 28 Jun 2024. Suppliers can request Register free of cost to get the complete Tender details and download the document.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

State : Karnataka

Summary : Material Requirement For Chikkalaki Village Govt High School Compound At Bidari Gp, Jamkhandi Tq

Deadline : 28 Jun 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 102694251

Document Ref. No. : RDPR/2024-25/IND2697

Competition : NCB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Document Fees : ₹ 500

Tender Value : ₹ 1589150.55

EMD : ₹ 48508.00

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

Material Requirement For Chikkalaki Village Govt High School Compound At Bidari Gp, Jamkhandi Tq
1. MR9929-Latrite ITEMS, Qty: 200.12 Cum, Amt: 220132.00
2. MR9859-Tools and Plants AT2% on material ITEM, Qty: 159.35 Sqm, Amt: 159.35
3. MR9858-Transportation loading and unloading AT 1% on material, Qty: 79.67 Sqm, Amt: 79.67
4. MR9804-Stone Chistler Class II ITEMSSS, Qty: 133.41 Sqm, Amt: 56192.30
5. MR9773-Add watering charges at 1 % on Material ITEM, Qty: 10203.24 Sqm, Amt: 10203.24
6. MR9764-Add sundries charges at 2 % on Material ITEMS, Qty: 314.55 Kg, Amt: 314.55
7. MR9762-Add sundries charges at 1 % on Material ITEMS, Qty: 15745.47 No, Amt: 15745.47
8. MR9759-Add providing and removing scaffolding at 3% on Labour ITEMS, Qty: 3306.53 No, Amt: 3306.53
9. MR9757-Transportation/loading and unloading of material/lifting of material /Wastage/Unforeseen charges/Miscellaneous which are necessary during execution. ITEM, Qty: 158142.79 Cum, Amt: 158142.79
10. MR9753-Add Handling, loading and unloading at 2% on Material ITEMS, Qty: 17.78 Hour, Amt: 17.78
11. MR9752-Add Handling, loading and unloading at 1% on Material ITEMS, Qty: 157.27 Hour, Amt: 157.27
12. MR9725-Mason Class I (with tools) ITEMSS, Qty: 211.10 Cum, Amt: 92081.82
13. MR9724-Mason Class II (with tools) ITEMS, Qty: 345.97 Cum, Amt: 145722.57
14. MR9678-Mixer (concrete) - 1 cum Capacity ITEMS, Qty: 4.55 Cum, Amt: 6169.80
15. MR9677-Mixer (concrete small used in culvert) ITEMS, Qty: 144.40 No, Amt: 6064.80
16. MR9676-HOM of welding and grinding machine ITEM, Qty: 2.78 Bag, Amt: 942.42
17. MR9673-HOM of cutting and grinding machine - 1 ITEMS, Qty: 44.44 Cum, Amt: 1866.48
18. MR9607-Welder Grade I ITEMS, Qty: 5.56 Cum, Amt: 2425.28
19. MR9603-Mechanic Class II/Mechanic HmP Grade I/EME Grade ITEM, Qty: 11.11 Cum, Amt: 4680.00
20. MR9554-TMT bars Fe 500 ITEM, Qty: 0.05 Cum, Amt: 3667.04
21. MR9534-Silver oak or equivalent planks 38 mm thick ITEMS, Qty: 0.03 Mtr, Amt: 616.53
22. MR9528-Rubble stones ITEM, Qty: 241.88 Sqm, Amt: 115180.84
Category: GOODS
EMD: 48508.00
Est Amt: 1589150.55
Entity Type: Government Department
Tender Fees: 500.00


 Tender Notice
