MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED (MSEDCL) has floated a tender for Oil Leakage Work. The project location is Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. The reference number is EE/AMT/R/T/2023-24/T-50 and it is closing on 25 Mar 2024.
Suppliers can request Register free of cost to get the complete Tender details and download the document.
Oil Leakage Work Estimated Cost inclusive of GST [in Rupees in Lakhs ] :-10 Tender Fee [in Rupees] :-1000 GST(@18% on Tender Fee:SAC No.9984) in Rs. :-180.00 Total Tender Fee Amount including GST in Rs. :-1180 Tender Validity[in days] :-Tender/offer should be kept valid for acceptance upto and including last day of the calender month covering the completion of days from the date of tender opening. Sale Opening Date: download23.pdf~ Submission Date :-25-03-2024 23:55