Procurement Of Fine Chemicals, Glassware & Instruments Tender, Karnataka - 105994519

KARNATAKA POWER CORPORATION LIMITED has floated a tender for Procurement Of Fine Chemicals, Glassware & Instruments. The project location is Raichur, Karnataka, India. The reference number is KPCL/2024-25/IND1182 and it is closing on 31 Aug 2024. Suppliers can request Register free of cost to get the complete Tender details and download the document.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

State : Karnataka

Summary : Procurement Of Fine Chemicals, Glassware & Instruments

Deadline : 31 Aug 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 105994519

Document Ref. No. : KPCL/2024-25/IND1182

Competition : NCB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Document Fees : ₹ 500

Tender Value : ₹ 1806398.00

EMD : ₹ 18100.00

Purchaser's Detail

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Address : Login to see tender_details

Email : Login to see tender_details

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Tender Details

Procurement Of Fine Chemicals, Glassware & Instruments
1. ACETONE AR GRADE, Qty: 3.00 Ltr, Amt: 4200.00
2. HYDRAZINE SULPHATE, Qty: 3.00 Grams, Amt: 13800.00
3. SODIUM POTASSIUM TARTARATE, Qty: 30.00 Grams, Amt: 28500.00
4. POTASSIUM HYDROGEN PTHALATE, Qty: 1.00 Grams, Amt: 1200.00
5. GLYCINE, Qty: 5.00 No, Amt: 6000.00
6. DI SODIUM HYDROGEN PHOSPHATE, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 950.00
7. DI POTASSIUM DI HYDROGEN PHOSP, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 740.00
8. BUFFER TABLET PH4.0, Qty: 17.00 No, Amt: 7650.00
9. BUFFER CAPSULES/ TABLETS( 9.2), Qty: 30.00 No, Amt: 13500.00
10. BUFFER TABLETS PH - 7.0, Qty: 30.00 No, Amt: 13500.00
11. PHENoLPHTHALEIN INDICATOR, Qty: 8.00 No, Amt: 3752.00
12. PATTERN READERS INDICATOR, Qty: 2.00 No, Amt: 1200.00
13. MUREOxIDE INDICATOR, Qty: 4.00 No, Amt: 3200.00
14. AMMONIUM MOLYBDATE, Qty: 62.00 No, Amt: 393824.00
15. PHENoTHROLENE MOON HYDRATE, Qty: 1.00 Grams, Amt: 5500.00
16. KAOLINE CLAY, Qty: 2.00 No, Amt: 420.00
17. SILICA GEL SELF INDICATING BLU, Qty: 6.00 No, Amt: 2040.00
18. SILICON HIGH VACUUM GREASE, Qty: 31.00 No, Amt: 7130.00
19. SODIUM AZIDE, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 530.00
20. xYLENE CYANoL FF, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 3800.00
21. NICKEL NITRATE, Qty: 34.00 No, Amt: 35700.00
22. SILVER SULPHATE, Qty: 6.00 No, Amt: 32100.00
23. SULPHANILAMIDE, Qty: 3.00 No, Amt: 5850.00
24. SODIUM NITRITE, Qty: 5.00 No, Amt: 1650.00
25. SODIUM SULPHITE, Qty: 8.00 No, Amt: 1800.00
26. STANNoUS CHLORIDE, Qty: 9.00 No, Amt: 13500.00
27. SILVER NITRATE, Qty: 2.00 No, Amt: 31460.00
28. SODIUM CHLORIDE, Qty: 9.00 No, Amt: 1440.00
29. SODIUM HYDROxIDE, Qty: 19.00 No, Amt: 5130.00
30. SODIUM THOSULPHATE, Qty: 3.00 No, Amt: 825.00
31. SODIUM BICARBONATE, Qty: 4.00 No, Amt: 960.00
32. SODIUM CARBONATE_, Qty: 5.00 No, Amt: 1475.00
33. STARCH SOLUBLE, Qty: 5.00 No, Amt: 6600.00
34. SODIUM METABISULPHITE, Qty: 80.00 No, Amt: 18000.00
35. PYROGALLOL, Qty: 8.00 No, Amt: 14328.00
Category: GOODS
EMD: 18100.00
Est Amt: 1806398.00
Entity Type: State Psu
Tender Fees: 500.00


 Tender Notice



