Procurement Of Switches And Fuses Tender, Karnataka - 103911960

KARNATAKA POWER CORPORATION LIMITED has floated a tender for Procurement Of Switches And Fuses. The project location is Bellary, Karnataka, India. The reference number is KPCL/2024-25/IND1036 and it is closing on 30 Jul 2024. Suppliers can request Register free of cost to get the complete Tender details and download the document.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

State : Karnataka

Summary : Procurement Of Switches And Fuses

Deadline : 30 Jul 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 103911960

Document Ref. No. : KPCL/2024-25/IND1036

Competition : NCB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Document Fees : ₹ 500

Tender Value : ₹ 487426.20

EMD : ₹ 5000.00

Purchaser's Detail

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Address : Login to see tender_details

Email : Login to see tender_details

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Tender Details

Procurement Of Switches And Fuses
1. S MCCB 125 AMPS, Qty: 5.00 Nos, Amt: 16077.50
2. S 40A FP MCB, Qty: 25.00 Nos, Amt: 31770.00
3. S MCB 32AMPS, 4P, Qty: 25.00 Nos, Amt: 29.50
4. S MCB 4 POLE 32 AMPS, Qty: 25.00 Nos, Amt: 22479.00
5. S MCB 16 AMPS SINGLE POLE, Qty: 450.00 Nos, Amt: 58410.00
6. S DMC 4WAY 3PH CONNECTOR TB 70A, Qty: 75.00 Nos, Amt: 8670.00
7. S MCB DISTRIBUTION BOARD 12 WAY, Qty: 10.00 Nos, Amt: 8555.00
8. S MCB DISTRIBUTION BOARD 8 WAY, Qty: 10.00 Nos, Amt: 6785.00
9. S MCB DISTRIBUTION BOARD 6 WAY, Qty: 10.00 Nos, Amt: 6844.00
10. S MCB DISTRIBUTION BOARDS 4WAY, Qty: 10.00 Nos, Amt: 5428.00
11. S CHANGE OVER SWITCH-200A 4 POLE, Qty: 4.00 Nos, Amt: 64564.80
12. S DPMCB 25A WITH NEUTRAL, Qty: 10.00 Nos, Amt: 7080.00
13. S 4POLE 100AMPS MCCB, Qty: 5.00 Nos, Amt: 5900.00
14. S 4P 150A MCCB, Qty: 5.00 Nos, Amt: 5900.00
15. S MCCB 75A 4POLE, Qty: 5.00 Nos, Amt: 70800.00
16. S 200A FOUR POLE MCCB, Qty: 3.00 Nos, Amt: 53100.00
17. S 63 AMPS TPST SWITCH, Qty: 5.00 Nos, Amt: 18781.60
18. S 32 AMPS TPST SWITCH, Qty: 5.00 Nos, Amt: 9027.00
19. S 20A TPN MCB, Qty: 40.00 Nos, Amt: 47.20
20. S TPN MCB-63 AMPS, Qty: 40.00 Nos, Amt: 29405.60
21. S 50 AMPS 4 POLE MCB, Qty: 40.00 Nos, Amt: 57772.00
Category: GOODS
EMD: 5000.00
Est Amt: 487426.20
Entity Type: State Psu
Tender Fees: 500.00


 Tender Notice


