Gram Panchayat Kotehal has floated a tender for Purchase of drinking water supplies for all villages under Kotehal Gram Panchayat in the 15th financial plan of Kotehal Gram Panchayat for the year 2023-24 . The project location is Davangere, Karnataka, India. The reference number is and it is closing on 04 Mar 2024.
Suppliers can request Register free of cost to get the complete Tender details and download the document.
Procurement Summary
State : Karnataka
Summary : Purchase of drinking water supplies for all villages under Kotehal Gram Panchayat in the 15th financial plan of Kotehal Gram Panchayat for the year 2023-24
Tender Are Invited Purchase of drinking water supplies for all villages under Kotehal Gram Panchayat in the 15th financial plan of Kotehal Gram Panchayat for the year 2023-24