JODHPUR VIDYUT VITRAN NIGAM LIMITED (JVVNL) has floated a tender for Purchase of Four Core Lt xlpe Insulated and Pvc Sheathed Armoured Cables for Size 4 C x 400 Sq. Mm and 4 C x 185Sq. Mm. The project location is Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. The reference number is - and it is closing on 08 Jan 2025.
Suppliers can request Register free of cost to get the complete Tender details and download the document.
Procurement Summary
State : Rajasthan
Summary : Purchase of Four Core Lt xlpe Insulated and Pvc Sheathed Armoured Cables for Size 4 C x 400 Sq. Mm and 4 C x 185Sq. Mm