RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND PANCHAYAT RAJ DEPARTMENT, GOVT OF KARNATAKA has floated a tender for Ramtheertha Inline. The project location is Koppa, Karnataka, India. The reference number is RDPR/2023-24/IND2131 and it is closing on 12 Mar 2024. Suppliers can request Register free of cost to get the complete Tender details and download the document.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

State : Karnataka

Summary : Ramtheertha Inline

Deadline : 12 Mar 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 98204031

Document Ref. No. : RDPR/2023-24/IND2131

Competition : NCB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Document Fees : ₹ 500

Tender Value : ₹ 79673.84

EMD : ₹ 28060.00

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

Supply Of Materials For Construction Of Inline Treatment At Ramtheertha Village Of Bhimanalli Gram Panchayat
1. RAMTINLINE-Transportationloadingandunloading at 1 Percent on material, Qty: 1264.00 Lump Sum for Each, Amt: 1264.00
2. RAMTINLINE-Toolsand Plants at 2 Percent onmaterial, Qty: 47.80 Lump Sum for Each, Amt: 47.80
3. RAMTINLINE-HOMofcuttingandgrindingmachine-1, Qty: 13.33 Hour, Amt: 13.33
4. RAMTINLINE-HOMofweldingandgrindingmachine, Qty: 0.83 Day, Amt: 0.83
5. RAMTINLINE-Mechanic Class II/Mechanic HmPGrade I/EME Grade, Qty: 7.88 Day, Amt: 7.88
6. RAMTINLINE-WelderGradeI, Qty: 1.67 Day, Amt: 1.67
7. RAMTINLINE-Anticorrosivebituminouspaint(black), Qty: 1.25 Ltr, Amt: 1.25
8. RAMTINLINE-Ballbearinghingesheavyduty, Qty: 1.67 No, Amt: 1.67
9. RAMTINLINE-Castironspike, Qty: 7.50 No, Amt: 7.50
10. RAMTINLINE-40x6mmMSPlates, Qty: 11.26 Kg, Amt: 11.26
11. RAMTINLINE-36mmx6mmMSPlates, Qty: 21.05 Kg, Amt: 21.05
12. RAMTINLINE-16x16mmMSSquarerod, Qty: 23.68 Kg, Amt: 23.68
13. RAMTINLINE-50mmdiaMSHollowpipeBClass14Gauge, Qty: 17.38 Kg, Amt: 17.38
14. RAMTINLINE-Add Gum / gangiwater / fevical and blue at 10 Percent of lime cost, Qty: 23.33 Lump Sum for Each, Amt: 23.33
15. RAMTINLINE-Burntlime/shelllime, Qty: 0.52 Quintal, Amt: 0.52
16. RAMTINLINE-Add providing and removing scaffolding at 3 Percent on Labour, Qty: 382.41 Lump Sum for Each, Amt: 382.41
17. RAMTINLINE-Addsundrieschargesat2 Percent onMaterial, Qty: 190.77 Lump Sum for Each, Amt: 190.77
18. RAMTINLINE-Add Handling, loading and unloading at 1 Percent on Material, Qty: 97.98 Lump Sum for Each, Amt: 97.98
19. RAMTINLINE-Casurinapoles100-150mm, Qty: 110.16 Mtr, Amt: 110.16
20. RAMTINLINE-StoneChistlerClassII, Qty: 38.88 Day, Amt: 38.88
21. RAMTINLINE-MasonClassI(withtools), Qty: 38.88 Day, Amt: 38.88
22. RAMTINLINE-Boulders, Qty: 3.11 Cum, Amt: 3.11
23. RAMTINLINE-Sizestone20x20x25cms, Qty: 8262.00 Each, Amt: 8262.00
24. RAMTINLINE-Mixer(concretesmallusedinculvert), Qty: 28.94 Hour, Amt: 28.94
25. RAMTINLINE-Bondstone20x20x45cm, Qty: 596.16 Each, Amt: 596.16
Category: GOODS
EMD: 28060.00
Est Amt: 79673.84
Entity Type: Government Department
Tender Fees: 500.00


 Tender Notice