Procurement Summary
State : Karnataka
Summary : Ramtheertha Inline
Deadline : 12 Mar 2024
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
TOT Ref.No.: 98204031
Document Ref. No. : RDPR/2023-24/IND2131
Competition : NCB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Document Fees : ₹ 500
Tender Value : ₹ 79673.84
EMD : ₹ 28060.00
Purchaser's Detail
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Login to see detailsTender Details
Supply Of Materials For Construction Of Inline Treatment At Ramtheertha Village Of Bhimanalli Gram Panchayat
1. RAMTINLINE-Transportationloadingandunloading at 1 Percent on material, Qty: 1264.00 Lump Sum for Each, Amt: 1264.00
2. RAMTINLINE-Toolsand Plants at 2 Percent onmaterial, Qty: 47.80 Lump Sum for Each, Amt: 47.80
3. RAMTINLINE-HOMofcuttingandgrindingmachine-1, Qty: 13.33 Hour, Amt: 13.33
4. RAMTINLINE-HOMofweldingandgrindingmachine, Qty: 0.83 Day, Amt: 0.83
5. RAMTINLINE-Mechanic Class II/Mechanic HmPGrade I/EME Grade, Qty: 7.88 Day, Amt: 7.88
6. RAMTINLINE-WelderGradeI, Qty: 1.67 Day, Amt: 1.67
7. RAMTINLINE-Anticorrosivebituminouspaint(black), Qty: 1.25 Ltr, Amt: 1.25
8. RAMTINLINE-Ballbearinghingesheavyduty, Qty: 1.67 No, Amt: 1.67
9. RAMTINLINE-Castironspike, Qty: 7.50 No, Amt: 7.50
10. RAMTINLINE-40x6mmMSPlates, Qty: 11.26 Kg, Amt: 11.26
11. RAMTINLINE-36mmx6mmMSPlates, Qty: 21.05 Kg, Amt: 21.05
12. RAMTINLINE-16x16mmMSSquarerod, Qty: 23.68 Kg, Amt: 23.68
13. RAMTINLINE-50mmdiaMSHollowpipeBClass14Gauge, Qty: 17.38 Kg, Amt: 17.38
14. RAMTINLINE-Add Gum / gangiwater / fevical and blue at 10 Percent of lime cost, Qty: 23.33 Lump Sum for Each, Amt: 23.33
15. RAMTINLINE-Burntlime/shelllime, Qty: 0.52 Quintal, Amt: 0.52
16. RAMTINLINE-Add providing and removing scaffolding at 3 Percent on Labour, Qty: 382.41 Lump Sum for Each, Amt: 382.41
17. RAMTINLINE-Addsundrieschargesat2 Percent onMaterial, Qty: 190.77 Lump Sum for Each, Amt: 190.77
18. RAMTINLINE-Add Handling, loading and unloading at 1 Percent on Material, Qty: 97.98 Lump Sum for Each, Amt: 97.98
19. RAMTINLINE-Casurinapoles100-150mm, Qty: 110.16 Mtr, Amt: 110.16
20. RAMTINLINE-StoneChistlerClassII, Qty: 38.88 Day, Amt: 38.88
21. RAMTINLINE-MasonClassI(withtools), Qty: 38.88 Day, Amt: 38.88
22. RAMTINLINE-Boulders, Qty: 3.11 Cum, Amt: 3.11
23. RAMTINLINE-Sizestone20x20x25cms, Qty: 8262.00 Each, Amt: 8262.00
24. RAMTINLINE-Mixer(concretesmallusedinculvert), Qty: 28.94 Hour, Amt: 28.94
25. RAMTINLINE-Bondstone20x20x45cm, Qty: 596.16 Each, Amt: 596.16
Category: GOODS
EMD: 28060.00
Est Amt: 79673.84
Entity Type: Government Department
Tender Fees: 500.00
Tender Notice