JISC Tenders, Japan International Cooperation System (JICS) Tenders
Find latest JISC Tenders. Japan International Cooperation System (JICS) acts as a procurement agent for projects which are financed by Japan's Official Development Assistance (ODA). JISC acts on behalf of recipient country and make sure to achieve Transparency, Efficiency, Fairness and impartiality in procurement function.
In operations related to grant aid, JICS carries out procurement services, which include funds management and project management. Tendersontime provides updated information on Japan International Cooperation System (JICS) Tenders.
JICS also conducts studies to examine the appropriateness of applications by recipient-country governments, and to consider the price and specifications of goods and equipment, and performs procurement consulting services to assist procurement procedures carried out by recipient-country governments, project application analysis, and report screening services.