FAGNE AS has floated a tender for 1 Transformer for Haugaland Næringspark (Hnp) and 1 Transformer for Tysse. The project location is Norway and the tender is closing on 14 Jun 2024. The tender notice number is 284763-2024, while the TOT Ref Number is 101226908. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Norway

Summary : 1 Transformer for Haugaland Næringspark (Hnp) and 1 Transformer for Tysse

Deadline : 14 Jun 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 101226908

Document Ref. No. : 284763-2024

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : NOK 120000000.00

Purchaser's Detail

Name :Login to see tender_details

Address : Login to see tender_details

Email : Login to see tender_details

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Tender Details

Fagne AS (hereafter also called the "Contracting Authority") invites tenderers to participate in a competition for a contract for the procurement of two transformers, of which a transformer for a transformer station in Haugaland Næringspark (HNP) and a transformer for Tysse transformer station. Further requirements for the transformers are in the requirement specifications. Both Fagne AS and Statnett SF have the possibility of triggering an option for a transformer to Midtfjellet transformer station.

Doc Title: 1 transformer for Haugaland Næringspark (HNP) and 1 transformer for Tysse

Contract Type: supplies
Document Type: Contract Notice
Reference Number: 30122
Contract Type: supplies
Estimated Value: 120000000.00 - NOK
Doc Title: 1 transformer for Haugaland Næringspark (HNP) and 1 transformer for Tysse
Dispatch Date: 2024-05-14
Publish Date: 2024-05-15
Submission Date: 2024-06-14


 Tender Notice