24Т0110020.0012. Carrying out Construction and Installation Work on the Objects... Tender

PUBLIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY ROSSETI NORTH-WEST has floated a tender for 24Т0110020.0012. Carrying out Construction and Installation Work on the Objects Construction of Overhead Line-10 Kv from Overhead Line-10-149-09, Overhead Line-10 Kv from Overhead Line-10-149-27 to the Designed Ktp-10/0.4 Kv, Ktp-10/0, 4 Kv, Cl-0..... The project location is Russia and the tender is closing on 29 Feb 2024. The tender notice number is 32413312023, while the TOT Ref Number is 97390194. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Russia

Summary : 24Т0110020.0012. Carrying out Construction and Installation Work on the Objects Construction of Overhead Line-10 Kv from Overhead Line-10-149-09, Overhead Line-10 Kv from Overhead Line-10-149-27 to the Designed Ktp-10/0.4 Kv, Ktp-10/0, 4 Kv, Cl-0....

Deadline : 29 Feb 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 97390194

Document Ref. No. : 32413312023

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : RUB 9646960.81

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

Lot name: - 24T0110020.0012. Carrying out construction and installation work on the objects "Construction of overhead line-10 kV from overhead line-10-149-09, overhead line-10 kV from overhead line-10-149-27 to the designed KTS-10/0.4 kV, KTS-10/0 .4 kV, CL-0.4 kV from the designed package transformer substation-10/0.4 kV to ASU-0.4 kV with installation of metering units in the village of Konosha of Konoshadistrict of the Arkhangelsk region (Limited Liability Company "RK-Invest", ARH-02397-E-V/23 dated 09.21.2023) (0.8 MVA, overhead line 10 kV 0.046 km, cable line 0.4 kV 0.392 km, 2 t.u.), IP 009-12-2-01.32-1522"; "Reconstruction of VL-10-149-09, VL-10-149-27, VL-0.4-2027-01, VL-0, 4-2027-02, VL-0.4-2027-03, VL-0.4-2027-04, VL-0.4-2027-05 in the village of Konosha, Konosha district, Arkhangelsk region, to the extent of clearing a land plot from electric power facilities (Limited Liability Company "RK-Invest" compensation agreement No. OZU-ARKH-00010-B /23 dated 05.15.2023) (10 kV overhead line 1.265 km, 0.4 kV overhead line 1.097 km), IP 000-12-1-01.32-1240"; "Reconstruction of 0.4 kV overhead line feeder "No. 4" from TS-20 in the scope of clearing the land plot from electric power facilities in the village of Konosha, Konosha district, Arkhangelsk region (Limited Liability Company "RK-Invest", compensation agreement No. OZU-ARH-00045-B/22 dated 19.01.2023) (0.4 kV overhead line - 0.239 km), IP 000-12-1-01.41-2127" for the needs of PA "VES" of the Arkhangelsk branch of PJSC "Rosseti North-West"

Local power lines


 Tender Notice

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