81308323-Enhancing and Sustaining the Adoption of Sustainable Soil Management Practices Tender

DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FÜR INTERNATIONALE ZUSAMMENARBEIT (GIZ) GMBH has floated a tender for 81308323-Enhancing and Sustaining the Adoption of Sustainable Soil Management Practices. The project location is Germany and the tender is closing on 06 Aug 2024. The tender notice number is 404029-2024, while the TOT Ref Number is 103830489. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Germany

Summary : 81308323-Enhancing and Sustaining the Adoption of Sustainable Soil Management Practices

Deadline : 06 Aug 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 103830489

Document Ref. No. : 404029-2024

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

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Email : Login to see tender_details

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Tender Details

ProSoil implements soil protection and rehabilitation measures at scale, mainly: - Conservation Agriculture: In cooperation with agricultural self-help groups, the Counties" extension agents and local service providers, the project has introduced minimum tillage and related tools, promotes permanent soil cover as well as crop rotation to preserve soil organic matter. - Integrated Soil Fertility Management: To restore soil fertility, the project supports the application of lime, vermicompost, livestock manure and inter-cropping with nitrogen-fixing legumes. Soil testing is conducted to identify adequate measures. - Agroforestry: The project trains farmers on the integration of woody perennials, nitrogen fixing trees and shrubs and fruit trees with food crops to control soil erosion and improve soil fertility. - Soil & Water Conservation: The project also promotes physical and biological measures that reduce runoff velocity on and off farmlands, thus reducing soil erosion. - Integrated Pest Management: Push-pull systems and biopesticides are promoted with the aim of sustainably controlling pests while protecting the environment and reduce production costs. - Vocational training: A curriculum on sustainable soil management that meets national standards for vocational training has been developed to qualify farmers and future agricultural advisors. - Policy Advice: Support for the government includes the development of National Agriculture Soil Management Policy, the domestica...
Document Type: Contract Notice
Reference Number: 81308323
Contract Type: services
Authority Type: pub-undert-cga
Doc Title: 81308323-Enhancing and sustaining the adoption of sustainable soil management practices
Dispatch Date: 2024-07-05
Publish Date: 2024-07-08
Submission Date: 2024-08-06


 Tender Notice

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