Procurement Summary
Country : Mali
Summary : Acquisition of Kits for Egg Production
Deadline : 18 Mar 2024
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
TOT Ref.No.: 97306109
Document Ref. No. : 0362/F-MEP-DFM-DNPIA 2024
Competition : ICB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender Value : Refer Document
Purchaser's Detail
Name :Login to see tender_details
Address : Login to see tender_details
Email : Login to see tender_details
Login to see detailsTender Details
Tenders are invited for Acquisition of Kits for Egg Production
Interested candidates can consult the complete call for tenders file free of charge or withdraw it for a fee against payment of a non-refundable sum one hundred thousand (100, 000) FCFA at the address mentioned below of the Directorate of Finance and Equipment, in Darsalam next to Camp I of the Gendarmerie BP: 61 Tel: 20 22 33 34/ 20 23 52 92, office of the head of the Public Procurement and Procurement Division. The payment method will be cash. The Tender Document will be sent by physical submission of offers to the address referenced above.
Offers must be submitted to the following address Directorate of Finance and Materials, in Darsalam next to Camp I of the Gendarmerie, Bamako, Mali no later than 03/18/2024 at 10:00 a.m. The Late bids will not be accepted.
Offers must include a bid guarantee in the amount of 2, 500, 000 F FCFA or the equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency, in accordance with article 69.1 of the Public Procurement Code
Bidders will remain committed to their offer for a period of ninety (90) days from the deadline for submitting offers as specified in point 19.1 of the IC and the DPAO.
Bids will be opened in the presence of representatives of bidders who wish to attend the opening of bids on 03/18/2024 at 10:15 a.m. at the following address: Directorate of Finance and Materials, in Darsalam next to Camp I of the Gendarmerie in the meeting room.
[Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.]
Tender Notice