Procurement Summary
Country : Netherlands
Summary : Array Antenna with Directional Modulation for Secure Governmental Satcom User Terminal
Deadline : 30 Sep 2024
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
TOT Ref.No.: 103887775
Document Ref. No. : 1-11779
Competition : ICB
Financier : Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender Value : Refer Document
Purchaser's Detail
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Tenders are invited for Array Antenna with Directional Modulation for Secure Governmental Satcom User Terminal (Artes 4.0 4s Spl 7a.073)
The objective of the activity is to develop a time modulated array antenna breadboard realising directional modulation to add an additional layer of security. Targeted Improvements: Adding a physical layer of security to satcom user terminals. Improvement over standard array security by 3 orders of magnitude in terms of bit-error-rate (demonstrated on laboratory breadboards). Description: With ever increasing demand for secure connections, this activity aims to add another layer of security (on top of/instead of encryption) on the air interface. When using traditional array antennas the transmitted signal in desired and undesired direction are only different in power, which with sufficiently sensitive receivers makes it possible to eavesdrop. By utilising the right antenna topology, the signal can be distorted in antenna sidelobes; increasing the bit error rate in unwanted directions while keeping a clean linkin the desired direction. This can also be realised while scanning the beam of the array, making this suitable for tracking satellites in all orbits. One way to achieve this is to use time modulated arrays (4D array), adding an extra degree of freedom that can beused to scramble the modulation off axis. With developments made for high-speed RF switches, a suitable bandwidth should be achievable to enable high speed satellite communication. The activity shall develop and breadboard (TRL4) a directional modulated array antenna suitable for a government satcom user terminal. The preliminary baseline working frequency should be in Ku-Band and above.
Tender Notice