Procurement Summary
Country : Switzerland
Summary : Aviation Surface Degree Based on Betaine Armasuisse Resources and Cc Support Omc
Deadline : 31 Jul 2024
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
TOT Ref.No.: 103037095
Document Ref. No. : 1428849
Competition : ICB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender Value : Refer Document
Purchaser's Detail
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Login to see detailsTender Details
Supply of a defrosting product for aviation surfaces based on betaine
Applicant service/contracting entity: Defense Based Logistical Basement Group Organizing Organizing Army/Organizing Entity: Armasuisseressources and SupportCC OMC, Guisanplatz 1, 3003 Berne, Switzerland, Telephone: +41 58 463 23 23, E-mail: WTO@Armasuisse. ch
Publish Date: 21.06.2024
Subject of the market
2.1 Gender of supplies: Purchase
2.2 Title of the market project: disgusting of aviation surface based on betain
2.3 Reference / Project number: AR-243.6-209
2.4 Market divided in lots?: No
2.5 Common vocabulary of public procurement:
2.6 Object and extent of the market: Supply of a defrosting product for aviation areas based on beta
2.7 Place of supply: Switzerland
2.8 Duration of the market, the framework agreement or the dynamic acquisition system: start: 15.09.2024: This market can be the subject of a renewal: no:
2.9 Options: No:
2.10 Auction criteria: Z1 Price Weighting 50% Z2 Subscribe Weight 50% Comments: Z1 Price the Criteria Z1 is evaluated according to the principle of linear reduction. The most advantageous offer obtains the maximum possible number of points. The higher 10% prices get zero point. In the intermediate range, the distribution is linear. Die Punkte Werden Gemäss Folgender Formal Berechnet: points = 50 * ((1.1 * Price of the lowest admissible offer - Price of the offer to be assess) / (1.1 * Price of the lowest admissible offer - Price of The admitted offer ...
Tender Notice