CONSTRUCTION AND REAL ESTATE COMPANY NRW COLOGNE has floated a tender for Blb Nrw Nl K/Uni Bonn/Basic Maintenance Geology/Renovation Elt_025-24-00090. The project location is Germany and the tender is closing on 19 Mar 2024. The tender notice number is 102964-2024, while the TOT Ref Number is 97194420. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Germany

Summary : Blb Nrw Nl K/Uni Bonn/Basic Maintenance Geology/Renovation Elt_025-24-00090

Deadline : 19 Mar 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 97194420

Document Ref. No. : 102964-2024

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : EUR 867241.42

Purchaser's Detail

Name :Login to see tender_details

Address : Login to see tender_details

Email : Login to see tender_details

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Tender Details

Renovation ELT

BLB NRW NL K/Uni Bonn/Basic repair geology/Renovation ELT_025-24-00090

The tender essentially includes:

Construction power supply and construction lighting

6 construction power distributors equipped with 10 Schuko/CEE sockets

30 moisture-proof luminaires

4 pieces waterproof ASurface-mounted off/toggle switch

30 pieces of junction box surface-mounted IP54

17 pieces of device connections from 1x16sqmm - 5x35sqmm

650m rubber hose cable H07RN-F 3G1.5 - 5G10

Energy distribution and installation

6 pieces of floor-standing distributor with busbar system 250A

400 pieces of automatic circuit breakers 6-32A

500 m parapet channelSteel 110-210mm

340m cable duct made of steel 30x30

60 pieces core drillings 50-200mm diameter

18000m pipe system NYM-J 3x1.5mm2 - 5x25mm2

3000m pipe system J-Y(ST)Y 4x2x0.6mm - 10x2x0.8mm

1000m pipe system in functional maintenance NH xHx -J FE180 3x2.5mm2

150m pipe system NYY-J 5x2.5mm2

800 pieces of installation devices etc. - Schuko sockets

100 pieces of installation devices etc. - Off/changeover switch

30 pieces presence detectors

10 pieces sockets for table installation

lighting / safety lighting

85 pieces pendant lights D = 500-1000mm

8 pieces pendant lights D = 100mm

65 pieces surface-mounted / wall lights D = 500-600mm

25 pieces of recessed lights D=200mm

10 pieces of surface-mounted table lights

250m LED stripes in aluminum profiles

66 pieces of rectangular pendant lights

19 pieces of ball wall lights D=250mm

4 pieces of bollard lights

1 piece of central battery system 32Ah

120 pieces of emergency lights

55 pieces Exit sign lights

transmission network

3 pcs...
Document Type: Contract Notice
Reference Number: 025-24-00090
Contract Type: works
Estimated Value: 867241.42 - EUR
Authority Type: pub-undert
Doc Title: BLB NRW NL K/ Uni Bonn/Grundinstandsetzung Geologie/ Sanierung ELT_025-24-00090
Dispatch Date: 2024-02-16
Publish Date: 2024-02-19
Submission Date: 2024-03-19


 Tender Notice