UNIVERSITY OF ST. CYRIL AND METHODIUS MEDICAL FACULTY SKOPJE has floated a tender for Calibration of Instruments. The project location is Macedonia and the tender is closing on 20 Mar 2024. The tender notice number is 03888/2024, while the TOT Ref Number is 98201566. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Macedonia

Summary : Calibration of Instruments

Deadline : 20 Mar 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 98201566

Document Ref. No. : 03888/2024

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

6453 ISO 17025:2018 Certified Calibration for Shimadzu AUW120D Digital Scale, 6455 ISO 17025:2018 Certified Calibration of 0.1-2.5 yl Ependorf Variable Pipettors, 6493 Certified Calibration and Service on an alcohol measuring device co exhaled air equivalent to Drager ALCOTEST 6810 from an authorized service of the manufacturer for the territory of RSM, 8361 Calibration by issuing a suitable certificate for an analytical balance with an accuracy of four decimals ACCULAB ATILON ATL-224 or equivalent, according to the calibration methods accredited byin addition to standard MKC ISO IEC 17025:2018, 8366 Calibration by issuing a suitable certificate for variable pipettor (10-1000 microliters) in 3 points ISOLAB GmbH or equivalent, according to calibration methods accredited according to standard MKC ISO IEC 17025:2018, 8368 calibration with issuance of the correspondingeten certificate for aluminum thermostatic block with working t at 91C and max. t 120C GEBR-LIEBISTH or equivalent, 8369 Calibration with issuance of MKC ISO IEC 17025:2018 certificate of three-point temperature control system (measuring range -20C to 70C) TESTO or equivalent, 8370 calibration withIssuance of ISO 17025:2018 certificate of humidity control system (hygrometers) in two points (measuring range 0-100% HR) TESTO, 8371 calibration with issuance of ISO 17025:2018 certificate at temperature of incubator and cold chamber (in three points) FONKO, 8376 calibration with issuance of ISO 170 certificate25:2018 of three-point variable pipettors (5 - 25 - 50 microliters) Biohit, 8377 calibration with issuance of ISO 17025:2018 certificate of three-point variable pipettors (20 - 100 - 200 microliters) Socorex, 8378 calibration with issuance of ISO 17025:2018 certificate of variable pipettors in three pointsand (20 - 100 - 200 microliters) Lab mate, 8379 ISO 17025:2018 certified calibration of three-point variable pipettes (10 - 50 - 100 microliters) Human, 8380 ISO 17025:2018 certified calibration of variable three-point pipettes (200 - 500 - 1000 microliters) Biohit, 8382 calibration with ISO 17025:2018 certification of three-point variable pipettors (1 - 50 - 100 microliters) Ependorf, 8383 calibration with ISO 17025:2018 certification of three-point variable pipettors (100 - 500 - 1000 microliters) Ependorf, 8384 calibration with cert issuanceficat ISO 17025:2018 on three-point automatic variable pipettor (100 - 500 - 1000 microliters) HTL Lambmate, 8385 calibration with issuance of certificate ISO 17025:2018 on three-point pH meter (acidic, neutral, basic pH) Mettler Toledo, 8386 analytical balance calibration with 4 decimal places maximum 610 g Sartorius or equivalent, 8407 ISO 17025:2018 certified calibration for automatic three-point variable pipettor (10 - 50 - 100 microliters) Socorex (serial number 19112225, 19112227, 19112226), 8408 ISO 17025 certified calibration :2018 for automatic variable pipthree-point pipette (100 - 500- 1000 microliters) Huma pipette AR 18565, 8409 ISO 17025:2018 certified calibration for automatic three-point variable pipettor (5 - 20- 50 microliters) Socorex Aura 825 serial number 19121104, 8410 calibration by issuing an ISO 17025:2018 certificate for automatic variable pipettor in three points (20 - 100 - 200 microliters) Isolab serial number AP69714, 8412 calibration of incubator and cold chamber thermostat (min in 5 points) FONKO with issuance of certificate ISO 17025:2018 measurement points of homogeneity calculation at chamber temperature, 8766 gaugetion by issuing an appropriate certificate of a three-point temperature control system (-20C, -4C, 20C) TESTO, 8768 Calibration of an analytical balance with 4 decimals Sartorius BP 211 D by issuing an ISO 17025 certificate :2018, 9418 Calibration with issuance of ISO 17025:2018 certificate on variablesEpendorf pipettors with a volume of 0.5-10 yl.9419 Calibration with the issuance of an ISO 17025:2018 certificate of variable Ependorf pipettors with a volume of 10-100 yl.9420 Calibration with the issuance of an ISO 17025:2018 certificate of variable Ependorf pipettors with a volume of 20-200yl, 9421 Calibration with issue nand an ISO 17025:2018 certificate on Ependorf variable pipettes with a volume of 100-1000yl, 9422 Calibration with the issuance of an ISO 17025:2018 certificate on a variable micropipette with a volume of 100-1000 microliters in three points (100-500-1000 microliters) Biohit, 9423 Calibration with issuing a certificatet ISO 17025:2018 on a variable micropipette with a capacity of 25-250 microliters in three points (25-125-250 microliters) BRAND, 9424 Calibration with the issuance of an ISO 17025:2018 certificate on a variable micropipette with a capacity of 1000-5000 microliters in three points (1000-2500-5000 microliters) HTL Labnet, 9673 Calibration with the issuance of the ISO17025: 2018 certificate of digital thermometers in the temperature range from -200C to 1370C in three points, one of which must be at -80C. 9674 Calibration with the issuance of the ISO17025: 2018 certificate on Photo/contact digital Tachometar with 14 reference values, 9675 Kacalibration, mapping with the issuance of a certificate ISO17025: 2018, on a Frigo Craft cold chamber (-20C), twice a year, 9676 Calibration with the issuance of a certificate ISO17025: 2018, on digital thermometers Saveris T3D, 9677 Calibration with the issuance of a certificate ISO17025 : 2018, on Saveri digital thermometerss H4D, 9678 Calibration with ISO17025: 2018 certification, on Saveris digital hygrometers H3D, 9679 Calibration with ISO17025: 2018 certification, on digital thermometers from -50C to 70C in three points, 9680 Calibration with issuance of certificate ISO17025: 2018, submission of records from tetemperature from the entire memory to the calibration period, for the data logger TESTO 177-H1, 9681 Calibration with the issuance of the certificate ISO17025: 2018 for the traceability of wearing one main watch Dallas DS12887 with 10 synchronized digital watches Dallas DS12887, with performance in the premises of the institute, 9693Calibration with issuance of appropriate certificate of blood pressure measuring device TMV 1112 AURON, 9694 Calibration with issuance of appropriate certificate of pressure gauge for oxygen cylinder: analog pressure gauge with Bourdon tube with Traceability Certificate, 9695 Calibration with issuance of appropriate certificateikat of Electrocardiograph EKG Lumed, model EUROECG 1200, 9696 Calibration of a scale for measuring body weight with an altimeter - GIMA, pegaso electronic body scale with the issuance of an appropriate certificate (calibration at an ambient temperature of 19.5C and a relative humidity of 40.2% with the method standard deviationia, linearity and eccentricity)., 9706 Calibration with issuance of certificates ISO 17025:2018 variable Ependorf pipettes with a volume of 0.5-5 ml,
CPV Descriptions: Calibration Services


 Tender Notice


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