Code Dk 021:2015 33180000-5 Equipment for Supporting the Physiological Functions... Tender

MUNICIPAL NON-COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE "MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL #10" OF ZAPORIZK CITY COUNCIL has floated a tender for Code Dk 021:2015 33180000-5 Equipment for Supporting the Physiological Functions of the Body. Code No. 024:2023 35896 Dialysate of Peritoneal Dialysis; 35896 Dialysate of Peritoneal Dialysis; 35896 Dialysate P.... The project location is Ukraine and the tender is closing on 25 Dec 2024. The tender notice number is UA-2024-02-17-000426-a, while the TOT Ref Number is 97173562. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Ukraine

Summary : Code Dk 021:2015 33180000-5 Equipment for Supporting the Physiological Functions of the Body. Code No. 024:2023 35896 Dialysate of Peritoneal Dialysis; 35896 Dialysate of Peritoneal Dialysis; 35896 Dialysate P...

Deadline : 25 Dec 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 97173562

Document Ref. No. : UA-2024-02-17-000426-a

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : UAH 10483120.00

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

Code Dk 021:2015 33180000-5 Equipment for supporting the physiological functions of the body. Code No. 024:2023 35896 Dialysate of Peritoneal Dialysis; 35896 Dialysate of Peritoneal Dialysis; 35000 Peritoneal Dialysis Highway; 35000 Highway For PeritoneaDialysis; 62658 Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter Adapter, Reusable; 47086 Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter For Permanent Catheterization; 35896 Dialysate of Peritoneal Dialysis; 35896 Dialysis...

DIANIL PD4 with a glucose content of 1.36%, solution for peritoneal dialysis, 5000 ml of solution in a plastic bag "Viaflex" RL 146-3, single 2750 pieces, DIANIL PD4 with a glucose content of 2.27%, a solution for peritoneal dialysis, 5000 ml of solution in a plastic bag "Viaflex" RL 146-3, singleeach 4500 pieces, DIANIL PD4 with a glucose content of 3.86%, solution for peritoneal dialysis, 5000 ml of solution in a plastic bag "Viaflex" RL 146-3, single 250 pieces, Nome Choise set for automated PD with cassette, 4 connectors 3600 pieces, Drainage set of the cycler 2000 pieces, Capconnecting disinfectant 10800 pieces, Set of high-strength tubes for peritoneal dialysis with screw clamps MiniSar 30 pieces, Catheter Argil for peritoneal dialysis, Curl Kes, with 2 cuffs, 62 cm 5 pieces, Fixing titanium adapter for dialysis catheter 5 pieces, Clampoutlet channel switch (mains switch) 10 pieces, Solution for peritoneal dialysis with icodextrin content (in double bags with a capacity of 2000 ml) 360 pieces, Solution for peritoneal dialysis with a glucose content of 1.35-1.5% (in double bags with a capacity of 2000 ml) 3600 pieces, Solution for peritonealfor dialysis with a glucose content of 2.25-2.5% (in double bags with a capacity of 2000 ml) 4800 pieces, Solution for peritoneal dialysis with a glucose content of 3.85-4.25% (in double bags with a capacity of 2000 ml) 360 pieces, Type: Goods, CPV: DC 021:2015:33180000-5: Equipment for supporting the physiological functions of organismshis


 Tender Notice

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