WATER-LINK has floated a tender for Construction of Pipeline Dn600/Dn300 Oosterweel Junction. The project location is Belgium and the tender is closing on 14 Mar 2024. The tender notice number is PPP06P-95/4059/2024/LR0014775/001 OWK DOM-203/22/000-A/2_001, while the TOT Ref Number is 97249862. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Belgium

Summary : Construction of Pipeline Dn600/Dn300 Oosterweel Junction

Deadline : 14 Mar 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 97249862

Document Ref. No. : PPP06P-95/4059/2024/LR0014775/001 OWK DOM-203/22/000-A/2_001

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

Object of these works: The agreement concerns the construction of a DN600 and DN300 at the Oosterweel junction in function of the Oosterweel connection. The current steel drinking water pipe DN600 from water-link is located in the zone where the Oosterweel junction will be built. Water linkhas received a relocation order to relocate the existing pipeline. That is why the new pipeline will first be laid in the zone around the Oosterweel junction. This will then be followed by a transfer to the current pipeline so that work on the Oosterweel junction can then start. During the daythe overcoupling, parts must be constructed in nodular cast iron, steel and siderocement DN600. The roof of the Oosterweel tunnel is not ready for laying the pipeline here. That is why the construction is partly provided via a temporary bridge construction. A DN300, via a DN300 GN in open trench and a DN300 in steel on the temporary bridge. In a later phase (not included in this tender), the DN600 can be installed over the roof and the temporary situation must be removed. The construction will take place in the summer and theautumn of 2024. In summary, the following will be constructed: o Construction of DN600 GN open trench: approx. 689m o Construction of DN300 steel on bridge: approx. 50m o Construction of DN300 GN open trench: approx. 56m o The necessary tests before the overcoupling o Overcoupling to Kastelweg (GN, steel, sidero cement) and Scheldedijk (GN and steel) o The necessary tests after the over-coupling The contract includes the execution of all works mentioned below, deliveries are made by water-link, unless explicitly stated otherwise: 1. All preparatory works to enable the construction of the drinking water pipeline, including furnish van coordination and site meetings, setting up the site, installing site signs and traffic signals, ensuring the accessibility of the landing sites, preparing the site for construction, etc.; 2. Coordination with contractors of adjacent yards, as well as making additional aagreements, and respecting the agreements already made, with both the private owners of land located on or next to the route of the drinking water pipeline, and with the licensing authorities; PLEASE NOTE: the works on the Scheldt tunnel were carried out by contractor Cotu on behalf of Lantis, the works aon the canal tunnels by contractor Roco and the works on Oosterweelknoop by contractor Rinkonien were in full swing at the time of the pipeline's construction. The contractor is obliged to participate in the weekly coordination meetings organized by Lantis's contractors and Lantis itself. ToIn order to be able to effectively start the works on the first working day of August 2024, the contractor must participate in these coordination moments from June 1, 2024. 3. Locating and protecting the existing underground cables, pipes and sewage wells; 4. The breaking up of existencethe road and road foundation in places where this is necessary, including the removal of non-reusable materials; 5. Carrying out the necessary excavations and fillings in the dry area for the zone where the pipes are laid in an open trench, including the installation of the necessary protectionshoring, the timely installation of well drainage, the transport of drainage water, the temporary stacking of reusable soil and the possible removal of soil surpluses, the possible loading and supply of materials for replenishment and road works, etc.; 6. The origing in open trench of DN600 GN and DN300 GN, suitable for the transport of drinking water, including the removal, disposal and processing of existing old pipe parts in steel or sidero-cement, including the installation of the necessary vents, branches, valves, etc., including pairing with the bestto the steel and siderocement pipes DN600 by means of nodular cast iron, siderocement and steel pipe parts, including the insulation of DN300 GN where it is located above ground level; 7. The installation of the pipe on the temporary bridge made of DN300 in steel, including insulating the pipeg 8. Carrying out watertightness tests, including supplying all materials for carrying out the watertightness tests; 9. Providing assistance for carrying out flushing and drinking water tests; 10. Restoring the road foundation and the road; 11. The deliveryrun the technical data sheets of the materials used; 12. Participating in the weekly or ad hoc agreed site meetings; 13. Guaranteeing deliveries and works during the guarantee period. Parts, supplies, necessary permits for carrying out the works and performanceations that are not explicitly mentioned, but are nevertheless necessary and indispensable for the proper, complete and professional execution of the works or technical installations, are an integral part of this government contract and are assumed to be included in the items. They willn do not give rise to additional work. The performance and descriptions to be delivered in connection with the execution of the government contract on the basis of these contract documents can always be regarded as not limited. Place of execution: The shipyard is located on the right bank of the Scheldtnabij de Oosterweelknoop aan de Kastelweg.

Type : Works

Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways, flatwork (45230000)


 Tender Notice

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