Construction Works at Pochalla Secondary School - Pochalla, Greater Pibor Administrative... Tender

FINN CHURCH AID (FCA) has floated a tender for Construction Works at Pochalla Secondary School - Pochalla, Greater Pibor Administrative Area (Gpaa). The project location is South Sudan and the tender is closing on 26 Feb 2024. The tender notice number is FCA/SSUCO002/2024, while the TOT Ref Number is 96428710. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : South Sudan

Summary : Construction Works at Pochalla Secondary School - Pochalla, Greater Pibor Administrative Area (Gpaa)

Deadline : 26 Feb 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 96428710

Document Ref. No. : FCA/SSUCO002/2024

Competition : ICB

Financier : Other Funding Agencies

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

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Address : Login to see tender_details

Email : Login to see tender_details

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Tender Details

Tenders are invited for Construction Works at Pochalla Secondary School - Pochalla, Greater Pibor Administrative Area (Gpaa)

1.1 Mobilisation and demobilisation of the
contractor, equipment and labour. 1 Item
Clear site of all grass, shrubs, debris,
undergrowth including small trees not
exceeding 600mm girth and cart away from
400.00 m²
Excavate trench for foundation trenches and
column bases 2 meters deep, starting from
stripped levels. The rate for excavation shall
include upholding sides of excavated areas
and keeping the excavated areas free from
Apply concrete (1:3:6) of 800mm wide and
50mm thick as blinding around the wall area
and column bases.
198.48 m²
Construction of 200mm thick solid wall
foundation from concrete blocks; load bearing
min 5.0 N/mm, reinforced wih 20 gauge 25mm
hoop iron strips laid horizontally every
alternate course; bedded and jointed in
cement and sand (mix 1:3) mortar.
359.00 m²
Supply and fix T12 steel bar reinforcement
including bending, hooking, binding wire,
cutting spacers and supporting all in - High
Tensile ribbed bar reinforcement to B.S. 4661
to columns, column bases.
854.18 Kg
1.7 Ditto but foundation and ground beams 1, 952.10 Kg
Ditto but surface slab area including verandah
with 200mm c/c spacing for the reinforcement
5, 476.88 Kg
Supply and fix sawn formwork to side of
columns, column bases, ground beams, and
surface slab.
400.00 m²
Apply 1000 gauge polythene or other equal
and approved damp-proof membrane, laid
over blinded hardcore (m.s) with 300mm side
and end laps (measured nett-allow for laps).
319.23 m²
1.12 Prepare and apply vibrated in-situ concrete 13.25 m³
grade 25 (nominal mix 1:2: 4, 25N/mm2 at 28
days) for columns, column bases.
1.13 Ditto but foundation and ground beams 43.61 m³
1.14 Ditto but ground slab 46.38 m³
2.1 Damp proof course: bituminous felt: bedded in
cement mortar (1:3): 300mm laps 103.00 m
Construct solid Concrete Block walling
including gable wall; load bearing min 5.0
N/mm: reinforced with 20 gauge 25mm hoop
iron strips laid horizontally every alternate
course: bedded and jointed in cement and
sand (1:3) mortar.
265.72 m²
2.3 Ditto but internal walls 86.58 m²
2.4 Ditto but 300mm high parapet walls at the
gable end 11.00 m²
Supply and fix T12 steel bar reinforcement
including bending, hooking, binding wire,
cutting spacers and supporting all in -High
Tensile ribbed bar reinforcement to B.S. 4661
to ring beam.
375.86 Kg
2.6 Ditto but columns 116.56 Kg
Prepare and apply vibrated in-situ concrete
grade 25 (nominal mix 1:2: 4, 25N/mm2 at 28
days) for ring beam and columns
7.72 m³
Supply and fix sawn formwork to side of
columns, column bases, ground beams, and
surface slab.
75.30 m²
75 x 3mm x 2600mm high RHS post complete
with base plate and welding to metal beam.
Completed with undercoat and an approved
cloour of high gloss paint.
9.00 No
Ditto but 75 x 50 x 3mm RHS beam support
welded to post. 40 m
3 ROOFING 0.00 0.00
Structural mild steel to BS 4360 grade 43C in
roof structure: allow for 5FW continuous
welding : 3mm blancked open ends : on coat
zinc chromate primer or approved: including
140.00 m
drilling holes in steel: complete with all
connections, cleats, bolts, nuts, washers etc.
to Engineer's detail for 60 x 40 x 3mm RHS
Rafters & Braces.
3.2 Ditto but 40 x 40 x 3mm SHS tie beams 90.00 m
3.3 Ditto but 40 x 40 x 3mm SHS struts and ties 195.00 m
3.4 Ditto but 150 x 50 x 2mm thick Zed purlins 264.00 m
40 x 40 x 300mm (average) RHS holding down
anchor: one end fish tailed and cast into
concrete beam other end welded to roof
30.00 No
Prepainted roofing sheets( Colour to be
approved by Engineer but) : IT5 (Super V)
Gauge 28 galvanized corrugated sheets: fixing
to roof trusses with appropriate J hooks,
rubbers, nails & Filler Blocks to fill Gap
between Ridge & Sheet for Roof covering : to
slopes exceeding 22.5 degrees to horizontal.
386.86 m²
3.7 Ditto but for translucent sheets 6.00 m²
3.8 Ditto but for ridge cap 35.00 m
1.5mm thick Mild steel sheeting for fascia and
barge board : 200mm girth ; bent profile as
required and fixing to metal trusses m/s
76.00 m
Supply and fix 150x150mm 24gauge
galvanized mild steel box gutter with
galvanized steel brackets at 600mm centers
fixed to fascia board (ms)
76.00 m
Ditto, 100mm diameter down pipe fixed with
brackets to wall at 1000mm maximum centre
to centre. Rate should include connection to
existing water tank, 600mm swanneck
projection, shoe, and painting.
15.00 m
Supply and fix 1500mmx1600mm standard
heavy duty steel casement windows as
manufactured by an approved steel fabricator,
complete with fixing lugs, ironmongery and
fittings all primed with one coat of red oxide
before fixing including bedding and pointing in
24.00 No cement and sand (1:4) mortar: oiling and
adjusting on completion: two coat gloss paint :
5mm clear glass glazing in putty.
Supply and fix 600 x 600mm Pressed steel
louvers comprising 50 x 3mm plate horizontal
louvers set at 45 degrees at 50mm centres
complete with mosquito wire
5.00 No
Supply and fix Pre-cast concrete (1:2:4) as
window sill size 200 x 45 mm once sunk,
weathered and throated, finished fair face on
exposed surfaces
30.00 m
Supply and fix purpose made steel panel door
comprising 100 x 50 x 3 mm RHS framing all
round: 900mm high 16 gauge mild steel sheet
panel welded to and including framing purpose
made 50mm diameter steel tube handles:
5mm clear glass glazing to upper portion:
heavy duty hinges : slide bolt assembly with
6mm thick steel hasp for padlock: one coat red
oxide primer and two coats gloss paint :
complete with 75 x 50mm RHS door frame and
fixing to concrete or block work and pointing
with approved mastic all. Door overall size 900
x 2600mm high with 500mm louver fanlight ;
complete with cylinder lock.
4.00 No
Apply 15mm first coat of cement and sand
(1:4) plaster; 3mm second coat of cement and
lime putty (1:5); steel trowelled to internal wall
416.40 m²
Apply 20mm thick cement and sand (1:4)
rough cast tyrolean plaster with approved
colour of weather guard paint to external wall
167.52 m²
4.7 Apply 20mm thick cement and sand (1:4)
normal plaster to external verandah walls. 99.00 m²
Blackboard: 4200 x 1200mm high blackboard
in cement sand moter mix 1:3 steel floted
including position for putting chalks on
4200x100mm wide Timber duster holder with
chalk groove : painted with one undercoat &
two coats blackboard paint
4.00 No
Prepare and apply cement and sand (1:4)
trowelled beds on concrete 100mm high
12.20 m
4.10 Ditto but 30mm thick screed, steel trowelled
smooth including approved joint sealant for the 290.40 m² joint created by the bays within the surface
Prepare and apply three coats of 1st quality
Weather Guard paint of premium quality to
external verandah walls.
99.00 m²
4.12 Prepare and apply three coat of black
bituminous paint to surfaces of plinth. 42.00 m²
Prepare and apply undercoat and three coats
of 1st quality emulsion paint to internal wall
416.40 m²
Prepare and apply two coats gloss oil paint to
metal surfaces especially surfaces of metal
post and roof structure.
9.00 No
Install mosquito gauze wire fixing to roof
structure : including 75mm diameter vent pipes
at 1400mm centres as eaves.
90.00 m
5 RAMP 0.00 0.00
Excavate trench for foundation trenches not
less than 0.6 meters deep, starting from
stripped levels. The rate for exavation shall
include upholding sides of excavated areas
and keeping the excavated areas free from
4.32 m³
Supply and fix T10 steel bar reinforcement
including bending, hooking, binding wire,
cutting spacers and supporting all in -High
Tensile ribbed bar reinforcement to B.S. 4661
at the bottom of trench.
31.97 Kg
5.3 Ditto but ground slab 205.66 Kg
Construct 200mm thick solid wall from
concrete blocks, bedded and jointed in cement
and sand (mix 1:3) mortar
7.20 m²
Apply 1000 gauge polythene or other equal
and approved damp-proof membrane, laid
over blinded hardcore (m.s) with 300mm side
and end laps (measured nett-allow for laps).
10.80 m²
Prepare and apply vibrated in-situ concrete
grade 25 (nominal mix 1:2: 4, 25N/mm2 at 28
days) including BRC, formwork and support
timber ensuring a gentle slope of 1:12
1.62 m³
5.7 Carefully construct a 100mm high kerbline of
the edges of the ramp 12.00 m


 Tender Notice

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