GERMAN RED CROSS has floated a tender for Consultancy for Proposal development. The project location is Philippines and the tender is closing on 03 May 2024. The tender notice number is , while the TOT Ref Number is 100709557. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Philippines

Summary : Consultancy for Proposal development

Deadline : 03 May 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 100709557

Document Ref. No. :

Competition : ICB

Financier : Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

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Address : Login to see tender_details

Email : Login to see tender_details

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Tender Details

Tenders are invited for Consultancy for Proposal development

Closing Date: 3 May 2024

Type: Consultancy

1. Introduction

The German Red Cross has been engaged with the Philippine Red Cross since 2008 in humanitarian and development work in the Philippines, with focus on (i) disaster risk reduction and management which encompasses on emergency relief, Disaster Risk Reduction, Anticipation, (ii) National society development with focus on DRRM. Currently, GRC supports PRC to implement Anticipation and DRR projects in the country.

The GRC, as lead organization, in consortium with SRC and PRC, submitted a concept note for community resilience project, in response to a funding call from European Commission (under EuropeAid grants) in early March 2024. With the concept note has been accepted by the donor, the GRC, and its consortium partners - SRC and PRC have decided to submit a project proposal by the first week of June 2024.

To support in proposal writing, the GRC is looking for a potential consultant to support remotely or in person. You may access the ToR for more details about the assignment.

2. Purpose and Objective

The purpose of this consultancy is to support GRC, and its consortium partners in conducting detailed needs assessment in the two identified provinces (Tarlac and Easter Samar) and preparing a quality project proposal in the prescribed template for the European Commission.

The main objectives of work are.

Implementation of needs assessment as basis for the proposal preparation which includes preparation of questionnaire, orientation to the staff for data collection and report preparation.
Based on the donor approved concept note, prepare the project proposal including logframe, budget, and other relevant annex in line with EC requirements and the standard template, in discussion with the staff team.
3. Expected outputs

The consultant is expected to deliver the following.

Needs assessment report.
Finalise the project proposal as per donor requirement.
All necessary annexes to the proposal (budget, logframe, organogram of project set up, maps, staff list, examples of methodologies, etc.)
4. Roles and responsibilities

German Red Cross:

GRC will organise field related logistics in the respective country. The consultant will be supported with the necessary working material and personal for translation and documentation. GRC will give a security briefing for the consultant and take care that security regulations are applied.

Philippine Red Cross:

The PRC will support the consultant with information and staff to support the exercise. The PRC will equally support the logistics with personal and the implementation of security regulations.


The consultant is responsible for methodology and all organisational issues related to the process. He/she will coordinate all necessary measures leading to the expected outputs.

The major tasks are:

Review of relevant documents, including the approved concept note, prior to the mission.
Guide the staff for needs assessment - development of questionnaire, orientation to the staff team, interviews with most important and relevant stakeholders in the Philippines and report preparation.
Close collaboration with the staff of GRC, SRC and PRC in the Philippines and Country Manager at GRC HQ for the development of a draft logframe and related budget.
Organise a planning/validation workshop in the Philippines with GRC, PRC and SRC.
Collect feedback on draft Logframe and budget from GRC Philippines and its consortium partners in the country and GRC HQ staff in timely manner.
Adaptation of logframe and budget based on feedback.
Based on agreed project intervention logic develop full project proposal in the formats provided in language English.
Submit draft proposal to GRC, PRC and SRC for feedback latest until 29 May 2024
Development of all necessary annexes
Final proposal delivery including all annexes due by 2nd of June 2024
You will be assisted during your mission by the respective Country Manager at GRC HQs level and the GRC Head of Office in the Philippines.

5. Deliverables and timeframe

The duration of the mission will be from 1st week of May to 10th June with the following timeframe and number of working days for the consultant. (Please see more details on deliverables and timeframe in the ToR using the link).

6. Quality and ethical standards

The consultant should take all reasonable steps to ensure that the services are designed and conducted to respect and protect the rights and welfare of participants and that it is legitimate, conducted in a transparent and impartial manner. Therefore, the exercise should be implemented adhering to standards of the IFRC, who are used in evaluations but apply equally to all other types of exercises with beneficiaries (See footnote1). The information revealed during the exercise has to be safeguarded, respecting existing data security rules, to protect the rights of the individual. The consultant has no right to share or publish internal information coming up during the exercise.

7. Security

You are obliged to follow the GRC contingency and security plans of the Philippines as well as relevant security instructions of the Federation.

You shall abide by laws and rules in force in the country of your mission and respect the local manners and customs. You will follow the Rules of Conduct for staff and volunteers of the GRC on mission. Any violation will lead to immediate termination of the consultancy.

8. Consultant Profile

Relevant experience of working with humanitarian and development organization, especially in DRRM and climate change.
Good knowledge on Philippines context and DRRM works.
Experience with proposal writing for EC and ECHO and on DRR and CCA.
Previous experience in working with the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement (RCRC).
Strong communication and organizational skills.
Should be able to work remotely or in person.
The TOR can be accessed here.

Declaration of conformity:

How to apply
Application Procedure:

Interested consultants should submit the following by 3rd May 2024 to the email address given below.

Curriculum vitae of consultant,
financial offer,
example of previous work,
two references, and
Signed declaration of conformity (you can download here)
Cyriakus Bräutigam, Country Manager for Philippines at and Meenakshinathan Ramalingompillai, Head of Office, German Red Cross Philippines Office, at

The candidate will be selected based on the following criteria.

Financial bid (30%)
Technical capacity (70%)
Relevant experience in DRRM, climate change and humanitarian work (20%)
Previous experience of working with GRC and/or PRC (20%)
Experience of writing for project proposal for major donors such as ECHO, EU (20%)
Knowledge on Philippines DRRM context (10%)


 Tender Notice

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