Procurement Summary
Country : Rwanda
Summary : Consultancy Services to Assess the Performance of Collective Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Propose a Sustainable Management Framework
Deadline : 14 Dec 2024
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
TOT Ref.No.: 94060689
Document Ref. No. :
Competition : ICB
Financier : United Nations Secretariat
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender Value : Refer Document
Purchaser's Detail
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Tenders are invited for Consultancy Services to Assess the Performance of Collective Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Propose a Sustainable Management Framework.
Location: Kigali
Deadline: Saturday, 14/12/2024 23:59
This study will be limited to all types of collective wastewater treatment facilities in the City of Kigali (CoK) including six (6) upcountry fecal sludge treatment plants in Nyamagabe, Nyanza, Rulindo, Gicumbi, Kayonza and Nyagatare Districts.
The following are the specific tasks:
Listing and description of all existing collective wastewater treatment plants in the CoK to highlight but not limited to; the capacity of Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP), population equivalence, treatment technology, location, etc…
Mapping of all existing collective wastewater treatment plants to include public and/or private buildings in the CoK and six (6) upcountry fecal sludge treatment plants in Nyamagabe, Nyanza, Rulindo, Gicumbi, Kayonza and Nyagatare Districts.
Categorize the type of collective wastewater treatment facilities per user-based services and design target versus the technology applied.
Describe the proficiency and current management practices of each existing collective wastewater/fecal sludge treatment facility
Produce detailed sewerage connectivity and FSTP checklist that the construction and inspection permit from CoK and District can use when providing construction permits or during inspection.
Highlight the loopholes in the existing management of wastewater/Faecal Sludge management facilities.
Assess the performance of the treatment systems by sampling 1 system per technology and user category and do the effluents quality testing of key parameters as defined in the required standards such as Faecal coliforms, E-Coli, pH, Total Nitrogen (TN), Total Phosphorus (TP), Total Suspend Solids (TSS), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Turbidity, Nitrates, Nitrites, Ammonium, Sulphate. These tests should be done by an accredited laboratory in Rwanda.
Assess the institutional framework in the management of specific collective wastewater/fecal sludge treatment facilities from the central level to the user level
Propose at least 2-to-3 alternatives for better management of collective wastewater/fecal sludge treatment plants identified per each category.
Recommend the preferred option for the sustainable management of collective wastewater/fecal sludge treatment plants for better service provision per category.
Tender Notice