Procurement Summary
Country : Mali
Summary : Consultant Services for Technical Assistance for Reducing Commercial Losses and Improving Customer Database Management
Deadline : 22 Mar 2024
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
TOT Ref.No.: 98741250
Document Ref. No. : 002/2024/DP/DG
Competition : ICB
Financier : Other Funding Agencies
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender Value : Refer Document
Purchaser's Detail
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Email : Login to see tender_details
Login to see detailsTender Details
Expression of Interest are invited for Consultant Services for Technical Assistance for Reducing Commercial Losses and Improving Customer Database Management
The general objective of this mission is to improve performance in terms of losses.
apparent (management of the meter fleet, analysis of customer data, structuring
organizational, etc.) to achieve by 2027:
• an overall rate of return for Bamako of 70% in 3 years, or 10.5 points;
• a recovery rate without administration of 90% at M+3;
• an Administration recovery rate of 100% at M+3;
The tasks planned under this technical assistance contract include:
− Review the documents available at SOMAPEP-SA and SOMAGEPSA including documentation and experience in other water companies to assist the
SOMAGEP-SA in a participatory and interactive approach;
− Hold meetings and discuss with all the actors involved in the management of non-billed water;
− Establish an inventory of the actions carried out by SOMAGEP-SA within the framework of the
reduction of non-revenue water;
− Identify the strengths and weaknesses of actions to reduce non-revenue water;
− Inventory and analyze the specific tools, procedures and approaches developed in the
framework for reducing non-revenue water;
− Analyze and summarize in terms of positive achievements (replicable actions) or results
negative (actions to avoid or improve) in order to generate information that can be used
level of SOMAGEP-SA to reduce water losses;
[Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.]
Tender Notice