Consulting, Accompanying Measure for the North Macedonia Irrigation Program Tender

FEDERAL MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (GERMANY) has floated a tender for Consulting, Accompanying Measure for the North Macedonia Irrigation Program. The project location is Germany and the tender is closing on 15 Mar 2024. The tender notice number is BMZ201970177/KfW506988, while the TOT Ref Number is 96170112. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Germany

Summary : Consulting, Accompanying Measure for the North Macedonia Irrigation Program

Deadline : 15 Mar 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 96170112

Document Ref. No. : BMZ201970177/KfW506988

Competition : ICB

Financier : KFW Bankengruppe (German Development Bank)

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

Expression of Interest are invited for Consulting, Accompanying Measure for the North Macedonia Irrigation Program

The program goal is to sustainably increase agricultural production and productivity in the selected irrigation perimeters through improved availability and efficient use. In this way, the project contributes to improving the living conditions of the rural population in the program area.
The North Macedonia irrigation program includes the rehabilitation and expansion of the Straishte, Lisiche, Konjsko and Pepelishte irrigation systems in the Vardar River basin.

The accompanying measure consists of two components:

Component 1: Support in the establishment of agricultural cooperatives and institutional strengthening of the various operators of irrigation systems, especially in business administration (planning, accounting, customer relations, etc.) and operation and maintenance of the systems. This affects both the operators of the primary infrastructure and agricultural cooperatives that operate the secondary infrastructure.

Component 2: Capacity building for agricultural advice to farmers on improved irrigation methods
and improved and innovative farming methods. In addition, advisory capacities in the area of ​​selecting suitable and safe cultivated products and varieties in accordance with EU standards should
be established or strengthened against the background of climate change and the potentially increased development of pests, as well as in the area of ​​marketing and access to EU markets. If necessary, this includes setting up test farms.

Intended services:

The tasks of the consultant for the accompanying measures include two components:

Component 1: Institutional strengthening of the various operators of irrigation systems, including:
Support in the development and implementation of cost-covering and socially acceptable tariffs
Identification and implementation of measures to improve general business performance
(reducing non-technical losses through improved invoicing and payment collection, updating and expansion of customer data, collection of overdue invoices,
strategy for reducing water losses, etc.)
Strengthening the capacities of staff (e.g. further training concept, support in recruiting additional qualified
Monitoring of water quality and quantity against the background of climate change and introduction an early warning system for users
Planning and implementing media campaigns and training in the management of customer care and public relations
Mobilizing farmers to increase the connection rate to the irrigation systems
Coordinating strategies and enforcement mechanisms regarding the closure of illegal sources between the relevant line ministries
Component 2: Capacity building for agricultural extension services, including:
Improving extension services to farmers on irrigation technology, selecting appropriate (i.e. climate resilient) crops and varieties and promoting alternative farming methods (e.g. organic farming methods, agroforestry)
Improving extension services on access to EU markets, including EU organic labels, price information and EU standards
Support for farmers and agricultural cooperatives in the area of​​marketing, including storage, packaging and further processing
Advice on the establishment of agricultural cooperatives
Creation of advisory services for business training for farmers, including support for
company business plans, Applications for subsidies etc.
Establishment of test fields including dissemination of the results to farmers and relevant institutions
Improvement of the existing environmental and climate monitoring systems of local agricultural authorities
Creation of an information portal including digital exchange of information between the local agricultural authorities and the MAFWE (entry of local data, publication,
Newsletters, input of data on water quality and quantity by the operators of the irrigation systems). This includes an
early warning system for droughts and new pests through meteorological measuring stations, which allows farmers to take appropriate adaptation measures in a timely manner.

All measures of the accompanying measures consultant should be developed in close coordination with MAFWE.

[Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.]


 Tender Notice

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