Consulting Services for Strengthening Togo-s Institutional Capacity for a Low-carbon... Tender

GLOBAL GREEN GROWTH INSTITUTE has floated a tender for Consulting Services for Strengthening Togo-s Institutional Capacity for a Low-carbon Transport System (STILTS). The project location is South Korea and the tender is closing on 24 Jun 2024. The tender notice number is 100010372, while the TOT Ref Number is 101546502. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : South Korea

Summary : Consulting Services for Strengthening Togo-s Institutional Capacity for a Low-carbon Transport System (STILTS)

Deadline : 24 Jun 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 101546502

Document Ref. No. : 100010372

Competition : ICB

Financier : Other Funding Agencies

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

Request for proposals are invited for Consulting Services for Strengthening Togo-s Institutional Capacity for a Low-carbon Transport System (STILTS)

GGGI has a diverse portfolio of programs in developing countries around the world. These in-country programs, together with global products and services, focus on delivering results through an integrated approach of evidence-based green growth planning and implementation aligned to countries- development priorities. The organization also focuses on knowledge development and management activities which build a strong theoretical and empirical basis for green growth, while providing concrete options and guidance for policymakers; as well as building the conditions for public and private green infrastructure investments. The organization supports also current and aspiring member countries to mobilize resources through GCF Readiness funding aimed at improving their capacity to access to more green funding that will help them pursuit Green Growth Development Pathway.

To implement its Paris Agreement commitment, the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), Togo will need additional financing over and above the cost of any national decisions and investments. Considering the vulnerability of its economic sectors and of the social and environmental consequences of the effects of climate change, Togo has defined its national priority as the development and implementation of an adaptation strategy and options that would have an impact on the mitigation scenarios, in terms of co-benefits. Togo confirms its commitment to contribute to the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping temperature rise limit to 2°C by 2030. The country has already implemented activities to reduce GHG emissions, especially in the energy, agriculture and land use, land-use change and forestry sectors. Subject to accessing necessary resources, Togo has confirmed that it is aiming for a more ambitious reduction target.

In line with the above challenges and ambitions, the Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF) of Togo, in its capacity of National Designated Authority (NDA) for Climate Finance has acquired a grant from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to undertake a twenty-four (24) months Readiness Program in partnership with the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI). This readiness intends to support Togo in addressing its key climate change needs by building the institutional capacity of the country to implement a Low-carbon Emission Transport System.

The Terms of Reference for this assignment are aimed to create the enabling environment to advance and promote a low-carbon dependent transport system in Togo;
(a) improve the Ministry of Transport and local governments- technical capacities to assess the different types and volumes of GHGs emitted by the transport sector, design and monitor low-emission mobility plans
(b) evaluate the urban policy and tools used for urban planning in 5 future major cities of Togo and assessing the potential of new climate-smart cities or retrofitting existing cities so that an investment plan and enabling framework are developed.;
(c) improve the technical capacity of the Ministry of Urbanism and local governments in developing an urban plan fostering sustainable low-emission mobility and their ability to use tools and methodologies to integrate sustainable low-emission mobility planning in urban planning;
(d) develop a low-emission road-map of the transport system for the Ministry of Energy;
(e) improve the capacities of the Ministry of Public Works and local government actors- on infrastructure risk assessment, and integration of infrastructure standards resilient to climate change in their works;
(f) support the Ministry of Public Health implements a robust methodology to assess the impact of transport emissions on public health; (g) develop two technical and economic studies for the use of the Ministry of Transport;
(h) develop and validate a financial strategy to support the implementation of the Green Mobility Programme;
(i) Increase awareness of national and local stakeholders on the benefits of low-carbon emission transport.


 Tender Notice

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