Contactless Chip Card Description: the Subject of the Procurement is the Delivery... Tender

BRATISLAVA TRANSPORT COMPANY, EQUITY COMPANY has floated a tender for Contactless Chip Card Description: the Subject of the Procurement is the Delivery of the Mifare Desfire Ev1 Bčk, which I will Serve As a Carrier of Subscription Travel Certificates and Electronic Wallet, with a Memory and Maybe .... The project location is Slovakia and the tender is closing on 21 Mar 2024. The tender notice number is 5148 - IOx, while the TOT Ref Number is 97179904. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Slovakia

Summary : Contactless Chip Card Description: the Subject of the Procurement is the Delivery of the Mifare Desfire Ev1 Bčk, which I will Serve As a Carrier of Subscription Travel Certificates and Electronic Wallet, with a Memory and Maybe ...

Deadline : 21 Mar 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 97179904

Document Ref. No. : 5148 - IOx

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

Name :Login to see tender_details

Address : Login to see tender_details

Email : Login to see tender_details

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Tender Details

Contactless chip card Description: The subject of the procurement is the delivery of the Mifare Desfire EV1 BČK, which I will serve as a carrier of subscription travel certificates and electronic money, with a memory and the possibility of writing, electronically initialized for DPB, a.s. In the IDS BK, as well as the National Transport Authority (NADA) as the future birth coordinator of public passenger transport in Slovakia, fully disposable (compatible), specially crypted, established on open standards for wireless interfaces and siphran methods, with unique serial leg (SNRR (SNRR) ). Multifunctional use of BČK in DPB, a.s. In the ally with applications for fast and highly safe transfer of data to the existing infrastructure. Type of customer: goods 4.1.4 The extent of the procurement of the main classification type of classification: joint vocabulary of procurement Main CPV code: Electronic Information Card on Additional Classification of the Subject Information on Additional Classification of Subject Type Type of Classification: Common Word Procurement 4.1.5 Information Information Place of fulfillment lower ground unit of the country: Bratislava region Country: SL ...
Time period: (date): 21.03.2024 Submission time limit (Time): 09:00 Language for submitting documents of languages in which you can presented offers: SLK, CES OPHRATION OFFER DATUS DATUS Opening Population: 21.03.2024 Opening time: 09:30 Instead of opening the offer: Occupational organization. DOCK SUBMISSION OF SUBMISSION OR ATTENTION ATTRACTION SUBSCRIPTION SUBMISSION: Mandatory Submission Address (URL): Access to the dedicated document: no restrictions on access to documents Official language of the dedicated documents: Slovak signs (URLs): Document/Problems: Communication channel AD HOC names electronic means: IS EVO Organization Provisioning Information ID information supplementing information: Org-0002 (Transport Company Bratislava, joint stock company) Reviewing the time limit for regretting: deadlines to submit a request for release and/ Valid and unable to conclude on public procurement. Organization for the Reviewing ID ID responsible for regretting: Org-0001 (office for public procurement) Organization providing information on reviewing ID ID Provider information on the reviewer: Org-0001 (office for public procurement) 6. ...


 Tender Notice

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