WOHNUNGS- UND BAUGESELLSCHAFT BERNAU MBH has floated a tender for Contract notice: Windows, doors and related items. The project location is Germany and the tender is closing on 16 Apr 2019. The tender notice number is 118525-2019, while the TOT Ref Number is 31539238. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Germany

Summary : Contract notice: Windows, doors and related items

Deadline : 16 Apr 2019

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 31539238

Document Ref. No. : 118525-2019

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : -

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

Name :Login to see tender_details

Address : Login to see tender_details

Email : Login to see tender_details

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Tender Details

Object of the contract
Windows, doors and related items

Description: Contract notice: Windows, doors and related items

Authority Type: Other
Contact Nature: Works
Procedure: Open procedure
Document: Contract notice
Regulation: European Union
Award criteria: Lowest price
CPV code: 44221000, 44221200, 44422000, 45000000, 44221000, 44221200, 44422000, 45000000
CPV Description: Windows, doors and related items.



Construction work.

Herkulesstr. 13, 15, 17, 19 in 16321 Bernau aluminum elements incl. Letterbox system

Reference Number: 337.07

Building project: New construction of 2 multi-family houses

Main Site: Aluminum elements incl. Letterbox system

Short description:

New construction of 2 4- or 5-storey multi-family houses with common underground car parkFor input elements with the following scope:

- 4 aluminum input elements,

- Equipment with letterboxes and bell system.

The bidder must provide information in accordance with VOB / A - 6EU, 6a EU 6 f EU as proof of suitability Submit the following proofs with the offer:

1) Insofar as the legal form of the company allows this, uncertified current extract from theCommercial register or the craftsman's role of its registered office or domicile (not older than 12 months) 2. Self-declaration by means of the form enclosed by the awarding authority with regard to the absence of any grounds for exclusion in accordance with -- 123 and 124 GWB.

Praequalified companies lead the proof of the suitability for the Lei to be forgiventhe entry in the list of the Association for the Pre-qualification of Contractors

e. V. (Praequalifikationsverzeichnis) and possibly supplemented by required order-specific individual certificates If other companies are to be used, proof must be provided with the offer that they are pre-qualified or that the prerequisites for the pre-qualification are completed, if necessary, by the required auCompany-specific individual certificates.


companies have as preliminary proof of suitability for the service to be provided with the offer to submit a single European self-declaration (EEE) possibly supplemented by required order-specific individual certificates.

When using other companies with the offer is the self-declaration also for this, if necessary, supplemented by gedemanded order-specific itemized statements. If the offer is short-listed, the statements of intent (including those of the other named companies) are to be confirmed on a separate request by submitting the certificates of the competent authorities mentioned in the EEE. Certificates that are not in German must be accompanied by a translation into the German language.

Dhe tenderer has to provide information in accordance with VOB / A - 6EU, 6a EU - 6f EU to prove his suitability.

For this reason, the following proof must be submitted with the offer:

1) Approved annual accounts or correspondingly certified profit and loss accounts of the last 3 completed business years;

2) Professional indemnity insurance,

Praequalified companies carry proof of ownershipFor the performance to be awarded by the entry in the list of the Association for the pre-qualification of construction companies e. V. (Praequalifikationsverzeichnis) and supplemented if necessary by order-specific individual certificates. When using other companies, the offer must prove that they are prequalified or meet the requirements for pre-qualification, if necessary supplemented by required order-specific individual certificates.


companies have to submit a preliminary European self-declaration (EEE) as a provisional proof of suitability for the service to be awarded with the offer, if necessary supplemented by required order-specific individual certificates the offer the self-declaration also for thise delivered if necessary supplemented by required order-specific individual certificates. If the offer is short-listed, the statements of intent (including those of the other named companies) are to be confirmed on a separate request by submitting the certificates of the competent authorities mentioned in the EEE. Certificates that are not in German are a translation in dThe German language must be enclosed.

When awarding construction services, gem. - 5 para 2 Brandenburg Procurement Act (BbgVergG) always a social security certificate (SOKO-Baubescheinigung) be requested by the intended tenderer for the contract. That is to say, the submission of the certificate of the social security fund, which the tenderer is a member of by virtue of general collective agreements, on the gross salaryme and the hours worked and the number of commercial employees, in the event that there is no proof according to - 5 para 1 Brandenburg Procurement Act (Praequalifikation / ULV) is present.

The SOKO-Bau-certificate may not be older than 6 months, if this is not part of a proof according to - 3 Abs. 1 Brandenburgisches Vergabegesetz

(Praequalifikation / ULV). The SOKOConstruction certificate can also be delivered with the offer.

In the event that the bidder is not prequalified or participates in any social cash procedure, the bidder has to submit a negative certificate or a self-declaration, that he is not to participate in a social fund is committed. The negative certificate will be issued on application by the SOKO-Bault. Announcement ID: CxP9YEKD9VY

Internet address (URL): www.wobau-bernau.de


 Tender Notice

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