REGIONAL DIRECTORATE OF THE POLICE OF THE CAPITAL CITY OF PRAGUE has floated a tender for Delivery of a Freezer (Gastro) for Recreational Facilities. The project location is Czech Republic and the tender is closing on 12 Mar 2024. The tender notice number is N006/24/V00005775, while the TOT Ref Number is 98016224. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Czech Republic

Summary : Delivery of a Freezer (Gastro) for Recreational Facilities

Deadline : 12 Mar 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 98016224

Document Ref. No. : N006/24/V00005775

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

Name :Login to see tender_details

Address : Login to see tender_details

Email : Login to see tender_details

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Tender Details

Gastro freezer cabinet 1 pc

see appendix no. 1 of this call - Technical specification

Other requirements of the client:

- compliance with the required types and parameters

- only original material

- the goods must be intended for the Czech Republic and must be covered by full-fledged guaranteeand support of an authorized service in the Czech Republic,

- return of goods after the end of their useful life

- presentation of the product sheet (technical specifications) of the offered goods

- warranty period min. 24 months from the date of receipt of the goods, unless the manufacturer specifies a longer period

- Submission of an unverified copy of the extract from the commercial registeru, if it is entered in it, or an extract from

other similar records, if it is entered in it

- Submission of an unverified copy of the business authorization document

- all costs of the supplier connected with the performance of the public contract, including transportation to the place of performance, will be included in the total tender price (appendix no. 2 callyou price table)

- delivery of the subject of performance within 21 days from the date of receipt of the written order

- delivery of the complete delivery, including the invoice (tax document) and the completed warranty card, to the place of performance will be carried out by the authorized representative of the supplier in person.

- the contact person of the contracting authority in technical matters of the tender dEducation:

B.Sc. Jiři Loebl, phone: 974 823 397;


Regional police headquarters City of Prague, OMTZ Department of Property Management

Bartolomějska 306/7, Prague 1

The contracting authority points out that all communication between it and the participant regarding the selection procedure must take place only in writingthem - electronically via NEN, data message or e-mail.

- in the case of identical bid prices, the date and time of submission of the bid decides.

- The contracting authority reserves the right to cancel the procurement procedure.

Payment terms:

- the contracting authority does not provide advances

- payment by bank transfer

- due date of tax invoice21 days

- The invoice must contain all the details of a tax document according to § 29 of Act No. 235/2004 Coll., on value added tax, as amended, and § 435 of Act No. 89/2012 of the Civil Code, as amended regulations. If the invoice does not contain the mentioned details, Frthe bidder has the right to return it to the supplier. When returning, the reason for the return will be given. In such a case, the maturity period is interrupted, which starts to run after the delivery of the corrected invoice to the customer.

- The invoice is considered paid by debiting the financial amount from the customer's account.

Address for sending the invoice: Krajska directorate of police hl. City of Prague

OMTZ Department of Asset Management

P.O. BOx 1151

110 00 Prague 1

OMTZ Department of Property Management
Current status of ZP: Not completed
Division into parts: No
ZP identifier on the contracting authority's profile: P24V00005775
Type of entry procedure: Open call
Procurement specifications: Small scale contract
Kind of: Public contract for supplies
Date of publication of ZP on the profile: 03/01/2024 01:09 PM
Code from the CPV code: 39711121
Name from the CPV code: Countertop freezers
Subject name: Countertop freezers
Text field for the description of the place of fulfillment: recreation facility MORAVA Regional Directorate of Police Hl. m. Prague
Hornicka 301, 788 32 Stare Město pod Sněžnikem
contact person: Petr Březina;phone: 974 779 520; 731 553 003
Code from the NIPEZ code: 39711121-3
Name from the NIPEZ code: Counter freezers
Main filling point: Counter freezers


 Tender Notice

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