Delivery of Medical and Non-Medical Products and Reusable Masks for Copernicus Pl... Tender

COPERNICUS MEDICAL ENTITY SPOŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ has floated a tender for Delivery of Medical and Non-Medical Products and Reusable Masks for Copernicus Pl Sp. Z O. O.. The project location is Poland and the tender is closing on 15 Apr 2024. The tender notice number is 141831-2024, while the TOT Ref Number is 98386879. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Poland

Summary : Delivery of Medical and Non-Medical Products and Reusable Masks for Copernicus Pl Sp. Z O. O.

Deadline : 15 Apr 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 98386879

Document Ref. No. : 141831-2024

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

Name :Login to see tender_details

Address : Login to see tender_details

Email : Login to see tender_details

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Tender Details

1. The subject of the order is the supply of medical and non-medical products and reusable masks for Copernicus PL. Sp. z o. o. The subject of the order was divided into 39 parts.

2. A detailed description of the subject of the order specifying the Ordering Party's requirements and quantities is included in Annex No. 1 to the SWZ Assortment and price form. By completing the items indicated in Appendix No. 1 to the SWZ, the Contractor confirms that it meets the requirements specified by the Ordering Party.

3. The method of implementing the subject of the order is specified in the draft contract - Annex No. 5a, 5b, 5c to the SWZ.

4. The offered items of the order must bebe complete, of a high standard both in terms of quality and functionality, and free from material, construction and legal defects.

5.The offered items of the order must be approved for trading and use in accordance with applicable law.

6.In all provisions of the SWZand its annexes, in which the Ordering Party refers to standards, approvals, technical specifications or reference systems or indicates trademarks, parameters or sources of origin (names of manufacturers or devices), in accordance with Art. 99 section 5 and art. 101 section 4 of the Public Procurement Law, the Ordering Party permexcludes equivalent solutions.

7. The term "equivalence" of a solution is understood in particular as: an indication that the offered solution has at least the same or better - described by a given standard, type or sign - technical parameters and functional quality features that concern the value...
Document Type: Contract Notice
Reference Number: D10.251.19.B.2024
Contract Type: supplies
Authority Type: body-pl
Doc Title: Delivery of medical and non-medical products and reusable masks for Copernicus PL Sp. z o. o.
Dispatch Date: 2024-03-07
Publish Date: 2024-03-08
Submission Date: 2024-04-15


 Tender Notice

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