Procurement Summary
Country : Macedonia
Summary : Dental Consumables
Deadline : 25 Mar 2024
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
TOT Ref.No.: 99243476
Document Ref. No. : 04318/2024
Competition : ICB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender Value : Refer Document
Purchaser's Detail
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Procurement of dental consumables for the needs of PHI Zdravstven dom "Dr. Panche Karagjozov"-Stip, for a period of one year (according to specification). Glass ionomer cement for cavity restoration To contain a minimum of powder 15 g of liquid 6.4 ml, Glass ionomer protective material for filling fissureswith fluorides To contain a minimum of powder 15 g liquid 8 ml conditioner 5.7 ml, Paste for remineralization of teeth containing CPP-ACP derivative of milk protein, casein GC TOOTH MOUSSE Paste 40 gr, Paste for polishing and cleaning soft deposits on teeth, Local fluoridation agent containing organicand fluorides minimum 1 gr. in 100 ml ( deviation /- 5 %), Methylene blue, r-r for coating the gingiva 0.5 - 1%, Means for treating aphthae from the oral cavity with an anti-inflammatory, anesthetic or analgesic effect (composition: eugenol and trichloroacetic acid ), Calcium hydroxide for direct and indirectmanual covering of the pulp, chemical, Spray for surface anesthesia ATC code N01BB02, LIDOCAIN SPRAY, spray, 100mg/1ml, Dental mirrors without holder (with rim, handle and screw) for examination of teeth and soft tissues in the oral cavity, Diamond drills with blue circle for dental implant instrument - bursof, shape - round,, thickness of working part from 0.12 mm to 0.18 mm, Diamond burrs with blue circle for dental implanted instrument turbine, shape fissured, thickness of working part from 0.18 mm to 0.25 mm, Diamond burs with blue circle for dental implant instrument turbine, fissure shapeand, thickness of the working part of 856l, 0.23 FG, flamed, Steel burs for dental implanted knee instrument, shape round, thickness of the working part 0.14 mm to 0.25 mm, Steel brushes for cleaning dental consumables ( diam. and face drills, various types of needles, etc.), brushes for distwounding of soft deposits of teeth for implanted instrument-knee (cylindrical) length max. up to 30 mm., thickness max. 10 mm., Rubbers for polishing composites for implanted knee instruments (flame), length min. 30 mm, thickness min. 10 mm, Solution for treating tooth root canals, contains 100ml phenolum 30gr, camphora 60gr, x-ray E - speed film 31 mm x 41 mm, Manual fixer for dental film - ready solution Packaging min. 1 liter, Manual developer for dental film ready solution Packaging min. 1 liter, Capsule for amalgam filling of large cavities to contain a minimum of silver, copper without gamma 2 phase, Pulp devitalization agent, Temporary cavity closure agent, Single-use dental compresses, double-layered made of pure cellulose and polyethylene film, dimensions 54cm x 60cm ( /- 5%), Nano composite a 4 gr A1, Liquid nano composite and 2 gr A2,
CPV Descriptions: Dental Filling Materials, Instruments and Devices for Dentistry and Dental Subspecialties
Tender Notice