Dk Code 021:2015 33690000-3-Miscellaneous Medicines (Reagents), Nk Codes: 52941 Total... Tender

MUNICIPAL NON-COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE "HAYSINSKA CENTRAL DISTRICT HOSPITAL OF GHAYSINSKA CITY COUNCIL has floated a tender for Dk Code 021:2015 33690000-3-Miscellaneous Medicines (Reagents), Nk Codes: 52941 Total Amylase, Ivd, Kit, Spectrophotometric Analysis, 55981 Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Ivd (Diagnosis.... The project location is Ukraine and the tender is closing on 05 Mar 2024. The tender notice number is UA-2024-02-26-005193-a, while the TOT Ref Number is 97669911. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Ukraine

Summary : Dk Code 021:2015 33690000-3-Miscellaneous Medicines (Reagents), Nk Codes: 52941 Total Amylase, Ivd, Kit, Spectrophotometric Analysis, 55981 Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Ivd (Diagnosis...

Deadline : 05 Mar 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 97669911

Document Ref. No. : UA-2024-02-26-005193-a

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : UAH 505000

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

Dk Code 021:2015 33690000-3-Miscellaneous Medicines (Reagents), Nk Codes: 52941 Total Amylase, Ivd, Kit, Spectrophotometric Analysis, 55981 Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Kit, Clot Formation Analysis, 37756 - Kit for Identification of Antibodies to Antistreptolysin, 52924

Alaninamino-Transferase (Alt) Ivd, Kit, Reitmann-Frenkel Spectrophotometric Assay, 52953 Aspartate-Amino-Transferase (Ast) Ivd, Kit, Reitmann-Frenkel Spectrophotometric Assay, 63410 Total /Direct Bilirubin Ivd, Spectrophotometry, Jendraszyk Method- Grofa, 53027 Gamma-

Glutamyltransferase (Ggt) Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Kit, Enzyme Spectrophotometric Analysis, 55872 Total Hemoglobin Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Kit, Spectrophotometric Analysis, 53301 Glucose Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Kit, Enzymatic Spectrophotometric Analwith, 53316 Glycated Hemoglobin (Hba1C) Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Reagent, 63377 -Ivd Instrument / Analyzer Cleaner, 42959

May-Gruenwald Dye, Intended For Use Separately Or In Combination With Others To Detect Tissue Structures And/Or Intra-Or Extracellularof Elements in a Biological Sample., 52740 Elution of Antibodies to Erythrocytes Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Reagent, 54758 Iron Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Kit, Spectrophotometric Analysis, 45789 Kit of Reagents and Related Materials for Quantitative Determination of Calcium (Calcium, Ca2) In the Clinical Zrazku by the Spectrophotometric Analysis Method., 53251 Creatinine Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Kit,

Spectrophotometric Analysis, 52867 Multiple Electrolytes Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Calibrator, 53315 Glycated Hemoglobin (Hba1C) Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Calibrator, 53315 Glycated Hemoglobin (Hba1C) Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Calibrator, 41818 Glucose Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Calibrator, 54519 Urine Ketones Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Kit, Colorimetric Test Strip, Express_Analysis, 52868 Multiple Electrolytes Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Control Material, 59058 Detergent/CleanerIvd Solution (In Vitro Diagnostics) For Automated / Semi-automated Systems, 44435 Glycated Hemoglobin (Hba1C) Control Material, Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), 58237 Ivd Sample Buffer, Automated / Semi-automated Systems, 38771 Hemostatic Chesurgical Based on soluble plant polysaccharides, 52532 Anti-A Group Typing of Red Blood Cells Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Antibodies, 45307 Anti-B Grouping of Red Blood Cells Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Antibodies, 52557 Anti-D Group Typing of Red Blood Cells Ivd (Diagnosis In Vitro ), Antibodies, 54873 Anticardiolipin Antibodies Ivd, Reagent, 52899 Sodium (Na ) Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Reagent, 59058 Washing/Cleaning Solution Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics) For Automated/Semi-automated Systems, 30591 Prothrombin Time Reagent Kit (Pch) Ivd (Diagnostic In Vitro), 47869 - Multiple Analytes of Clinical Chemistry Ivd

(In Vitro Diagnostics), Control Material, 55112 Rheumatoid Factor Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Kit, Agglutination Reaction, 52867 Multiple Electrolytes Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Calibrator, 59074 Determination of Chromogen Ivd (Diagnostica In Vitro), Kit, Spectrophotometric Analysis, 63333 Urea Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics),

Kit, Spectrophotometry, 63234 C-Reactive Protein (Crp) Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Kit, Agglutination, Express-Analysis, 53583 Uric Acid Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics),

Reagent, 62221 Mon SystemItoring Uric Acid Home Use Ivd

(In Vitro Diagnostics), 54518 Urine Glucose Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Kit, Colorimetric Test Strip, Express_Analysis, 63234 C-Reactive Protein (Crp) Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Kit, Agglutination, Express Analysis, 62707

Base ComponentNutrient Medium Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), 55987 Thrombin Time Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Kit, Clot Formation Assay, 55997 Fibrinogen (Factor I) Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Kit, Clot Formation Assay, 61078 Ferritin Ivd (Diagnostics In Vitro ), Kit, ImmunochemiluminescentAnalysis, 54807 Zinc Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Reagent.

БХ 007-04 ALPHA-AMYLASE- Set of reagents for recognition. activity of alpha-amylase (diastase) by the amyloclastic method of Karavey, 1110 ml (100/200 recognition) TU U 24.4-13433137-050:2006 4 set, APTCH-test liquid (100-200 recognition) contains cephalin and ellagic acid5 packages, ASL-O latex test 200 recognized "Granum" 4 packages, AF 001-01 AlAT - Set of reagents for determining the activity of alanine aminotransferase by the Reitman-Frenkel method (two calibrators of 600 ml of working solution): TU U 24.4-13433137-047- 2003 1 set, AF 002-01 AsAT - Set of reagents for determining activelevels of aspartate aminotransferase by the Reitman-Frenkel method (two calibrators of 600 ml of working solution) TU U 24.4-13433137-047-2003 1 set, BP 002-03 BILIRUBIN-diazo-yendrashika 250 ml TU U 24.4-13433137-049-2003 3 set, PC 03.5-06 GHT-KINETICS-100-R Set of reagents for determining gamma-glut activityamyltransferase kinetics. by the method with L-gamma-glutamyl-3-carboxy-4-nitroanilide (4:1): TU U 21.2-13433137-056:2013 2 set, BP 004-03 HEMOGLOBIN-2000 ml, Set of reagents for determining the content of total hemoglobin acetocyanohydrin .method (400/800 samples) (2000 ml of transforming solution calibrator) TUU 24.4-13433137-049-2003 2 set, PC 24.4-06 GLUCOSE-MONO-400-R (Set of reagents for determination of glucose content by glucose oxidase (GOD-PAP) method with monoreagent) TU U 21.2-13433137-056:2013 10 set, Glycosylated hemoglobin SpL 100 6 packs, Detergent for cleaning semi-automatic biochemical andof analyzers (concentrate) - Detergent SpL 250 ml / 5 l work. solution 1 Vial, MB 10.3-07 EOSIN according to MAY-GRUNWALD-1000 Fixative dye. eosin methylene blue according to May-Grunwald 1x1000 ml Concentrated buffer solution: 1x100 ml: 2000 samples: TU U 21.2-13433137-057:2013 2 set, PC 74.1-06 GELATIN 10%- 10 x 10 ml - Auxiliary reagent for determining the Rhesus factor by the agglutination method: TU U 21.2-13433137-056:2013 1 set, BH 003-04 IRON ZZZZS Set of reagents for determination of iron and total iron-binding capacity of blood serum by reaction with ferrozine) 200 ml /25/50 recognized: TU U 24.4-13433137-050:2006 5 sets, PC 57.3-06 CALCIUM-O-KFK-200-R (colorimetric method with o-KFK Reagent 1: 1 x 100 ml; Reagent 2: 1 x 100 ml; Calibrator: 1 x 2 ml) TU U 21.2 -13433137-056:2013 10 set, BP 006-03 PICRIC CREATININE-520 (520 ml of working solution of 2 calibrators) TU U 24.4-13433137-049-2003 2 set, Calibrator 1 (K, Na, Cl) (for electrolyte analyzer) AEK.013 5 pieces, Calibrator 2 (K, Na, Cl) (for electrolyte analyzer) AEK.017 4 pieces, Calibrator HbA1c- d. Calibrator level 1. Vial with 0.5 ml (49125-1) 2 pieces, Calibrator HbA1c-d. Calibrator level 2. Vial with 0.5 ml (49125-2) 2 pieces, Kcalibrator HbA1c- d. Calibrator level 3. Vial with 0.5 ml (49125-3) 1 piece, Calibrator HbA1c-d. Calibrator level 4. Vial with 0.5 ml (49125-4) 1 piece, Glucose calibrator (for analyzer AGKM-01) GLYU.001 5 Vial, KetoFan (50) (Erba-Lachema, Czech Republic) 10003313 10 set, Set of control solutions assti (for electrolyte analyzer) for AEK-025 1 piece, Conditioner (for AEK-019) 1 piece, Control HbA1c -d. Level 1 control vial with 0.5 ml (unit) 2 Vial, Control HbA1c -d. Level 2 control vial with 0.5 ml (unit) 2 Vial, System reagent concentrate (for glucose analyzer) GLYU.005 30 pieces, Soluble starch, per 1 kilogram, Monoclonal anti-A reagent for determining human blood groups according to the AB0 system (1x10 ml) 20 Vials, Monoclonal anti-B reagent for determining human blood groups according to the AB0 system (1x10 ml) 20 Vials, Anti-D Mix monoclonal reagent for determining blood groupsof a person according to the Rhesus system (1x10 ml) 1 Vial, Monoclonal reagent anti-D Super for the determination of human blood groups according to the Rhesus system (1x10 ml) 10 Vial, A set of reagents for RMP (500 tests) RPR-01-2 10 packages, Sodium chloride, 2 kilograms, Purification district (for electrolyte analyzers) AEK-021 (100ml) 1 piece, Cleaning solution for glucose analyzer (GLU.007) 100 ml 2 pieces, PG-5/101 RenaUplastin. Thromboplastin (from rabbit brain) for determination of prothrombin time. 10 ml No. 1. LIQUID REAGENT! 2 packages, IF-test with liquid reagent (1 fl. 100 recognition) 40 Vial, Plasma-control Clot H, 7 pairsetriv, 1 ml 3 Vials, Plasma-control Clot P, 7 parameters, 1 ml 1 Vial, RF latex test, 200 "Granum" 5 packs, Salt bridge solution (for AEK - 023) 1 pieces, BH 030-04 SEROGLYCOIDS - A set of reagents for determining the content of seroglycoides (sulfomucoids) by the Huergo turbidimetric method, 140 ml, 40 macro : TU U 24.4-13433137-050:2006 20 set, BP 008-03 UREA-DIACETYL-400 ml Set of reagents for determination of urea content by reaction with diacetyl monooxime (400 ml working solution calibrator)" TU U 24.4-13433137- 049-2003 2 sets, SRB latex test 200 recognitions "Granum" 4 packages, SRB-turbi-SpL (100 units) 10 packs, Uric acid SpL 100 5 packs, Indicator strips pH-Test, pH- 5-9 (No. 50) 4 packs, Indicator strips GLUCOTEST No. 100 10 packs, SpL Kontrol NORMA (5 ml) (lyophilized) human serum for control of biochemical studies 39950) 1 pieces, SpL Control PATHOLOGY (Control Pathology. Lyophilized human serum for 5 ml (unit) (39955) 1 piece, SpL CRB Turbi Calibrator (1 ml) 2 packages, Sulfosalicylic acid 99% chda (India) 1 kilogram, Thrombo-test 50 recognized. (Determination of thrombin time) "Granum" 3 set, Fibrinogen test with liquid reagent (100 tests) 20 packsnok, Ferritin-turbi SpL 45 recognized 1 package, Zinc sulfate 7-hydr. 0.5 kilograms, Type: Goods, CPV: DK 021:2015:33600000-6: Pharmaceutical products


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