EUROPEAN SPACE RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY CENTRE (ESTEC) has floated a tender for European Power SIC Supply Chain (Eposic). The project location is Netherlands and the tender is closing on 11 Apr 2024. The tender notice number is 1-11970, while the TOT Ref Number is 98005089. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Netherlands

Summary : European Power SIC Supply Chain (Eposic)

Deadline : 11 Apr 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 98005089

Document Ref. No. : 1-11970

Competition : ICB

Financier : Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

Tenders are invited for European Power Sic Supply Chain (Eposic) - Re-Issue

The development of a space power SiC technology will be based on a work program with the objectives of-exploiting the already established automotive qualified European SiC supply chain to develop a space qualified, medium to high voltage power module, based on a discrete SiC MOSFET with an adequate wide safe operating area free of destructive single event phenomenon, -defining space compatible package based on automotive technology that allow reliable high temperature operation in up to 200C in vacuum-performing the ESCC evaluation of the processes and products and inclusion in European Preferred Part List (EPPL).-ensuring the ESCC qualification of the product or of the technology flow.A work program articulated in two parts. The first part aims to identify the most promising available technology and to perform an optimisation of the die design for what concerns the body-drain junction design, the gate thickness, the epilayer/buffer thickness and resistivity, starting from the conclusion of the TDE activity ( T723-409QT). This aims to determine the safe operating area in space environment and to gather a better understanding of the degradation mechanism induced by radiation environment of the automotive technology, enabling the optimisation of the die design and ensuring that the devices can be successfully operated in space environment. In parallel, the development of the module package will be considering the existing automotive technologies.Then the final power module will be evaluated according to European Space Components Coordination (ESCC) requirements, including the elaboration of process identification document, procurement specification that will allow the introduction of the product in the EPPL.In a third phase a formal ESCC qualification will be performed according to the most relevant approach (e.g. product qualification, manufacturer capability or technology flow).Phase 1: Development of EPOSIC die and module packaging (3, 500k)-Preliminary Single Event Effect (SEE) evaluation of latest automotive process-Review and definition of appropriate SiC single event effects (SEE)test methodologies-Perform SEE effect extensive test campaign on the latest available technology on automotive market-Analysis of test results that will include as well statistical analysis of the electrical behaviour and degradation observed, physical analysis of some catastrophic failures, simulation of representative in orbitfluence considering a typical LEO and GEO, small satellites short mission-Characterization in life test on SEE samples to verify the residual reliability of irradiated and partially degraded devices.Key Output: Characterization of available technology, understanding of degradation mechanism, definition of safe operating area of state of art technologyDie Optimization processThis includes the simulations/analysis and manufacturing of engineering wafer introducing optimization of design features still compatible with the in-house industrialised process.-Optimization of epilayer thickness-Optimization of gate thickness-Revision of the design of the gate drain junction aimed to reduce the peak of electrical field-Resistivity of epilayer-Assessment of buffer layer-Electrical and SEE characterization of the engineering waferKey Output: Selection of the best technological split and wafer Process Identification Document (PID) consolidationSiC MOSFET Power module package definition-Assessment of available automotive solution and trade off based on the market request-Verification of vacuum compatibility of the best candidates and redesign if needed-Thermomechanical analysis of the selected solution-Full temperature electrical characterization, including power on-offcycles, dynamic/switching performance and thermal vacuum testing including partial discharge measurement of prototypes mounting commercial/automotive dies representative in terms of metallization, power class, die sizeKey Output: Module design selection, thermal analysis, assessment of thermal properties in vacuum, electrical dynamic and switching characterizationPhase 2 :ESCC evaluation of the final power module (1, 500k)-Issuing of final PID of die + package-Manufacturing of the evaluation lot of power module-Performing a complete evaluation according to ESCC rules-Consolidation of final product specification-Analysis of advance procurement based on user needsKey Output: Frozen PID, Module procurement specification, evaluation dossier, introduction in EPPLPhase 3: Formal ESCC qualification (1, 000k)-Manufacturing of a qualification lot-Performance ESCC qualification


 Tender Notice

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