Food Delivery for Gastro Ds, S.R.O. Description: Name of the Subject of the Order:... Tender

GASTRO DS, S.R.O. has floated a tender for Food Delivery for Gastro Ds, S.R.O. Description: Name of the Subject of the Order: "Supply of Food for Gastro Ds, S.R.O.. The project location is Slovakia and the tender is closing on 18 Apr 2024. The tender notice number is 8553 - MST, while the TOT Ref Number is 98997282. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Slovakia

Summary : Food Delivery for Gastro Ds, S.R.O. Description: Name of the Subject of the Order: "Supply of Food for Gastro Ds, S.R.O.

Deadline : 18 Apr 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 98997282

Document Ref. No. : 8553 - MST

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : EUR 1098318

Purchaser's Detail

Name :Login to see tender_details

Address : Login to see tender_details

Email : Login to see tender_details

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Tender Details

Food delivery for Gastro DS, s.r.o. Description: Name of the subject of the order: "Supply of food for Gastro DS, s.r.o." and dairye products Logically set no. 5 Frozen and chilled foods Logically set no. 6 Fruits and vegetables Logically set no. 7 Poultry meat and products Logically set no. 8 Canned foods Logical unit no. 9 Special foods / Diet kitchen Type of order: Goods 4.1.4 Scope of procurement Estimated hoursnote Estimated value (BT-27-Procedure) (value): 1, 098, 318 Estimated value (BT-27-Procedure) (currency): Euro Maximum value of framework agreement Maximum value of framework agreement (BT-271-Procedure) (value): 1, 098, 318 Maximum value of the framework agreement (BT-271-Procedure) (currency): Euro Informainformation on the main classification of the subject of the contract Classification type: Common procurement dictionary Main CPV code: Food, beverages, tobacco and related products Information on the additional classification of the subject of the contract Information on the additional classification of the subject of the contract Classification type: Common dictionary obstaravania 4.1.5 Information about the place of fulfillment Information about the place of fulfillment Street: Alzbetinske namestie 1203 City: Dunajska Streda Zip code: 929 01 Lower territorial unit of the country: Trnavsky kraj Country: Slovakia 4.2 Competition conditions 4.2.1 Reasons for exclusion Reasons for exclusion Reason for exclusion : CorruptionDescription/method of proof: The applicant or interested party proves fulfillment of the condition of participation according to § 32 par. 1 letter. a) Act on public procurement no. 343/2015 Coll. in one of the following ways: 1. a certified extract from the criminal record not older than three months, 2. an entry in the Register of Economicsubjects, 3. pre-filled single European document (JED) according to § 39 par. (1) ZVO. If the applicant or interested party has a seat, place of business or habitual residence outside the territory of the Slovak Republic...
Deadline for submitting bids: (date): 18/04/2024 Deadline for submitting bids (time): 09:00 Language for submitting documents Languages ​​in which bids can be submitted: SLK, CES Information on opening of bids Date of opening of bids: 18/04/2024 Time opening of bids: 10:00 Place of opening of bids: Method of submission of bids or request for participation Electronic submission of bids: Mandatory Bid submission address (URL): Information on competition documents Information on competition documents Limited access to competition documents: None restrictions on access toby document Official language of the competition documents: Slovak Competition documents (URL): Designation of the document/contract: Food supply for Gastro DS, s.r.o. Ad hoc communication channel Name of electronic means: Review Deadlines for review Description of deadlines for review: Deadlines for submitting a request for correction and/or objection are regulated by the valid and effective law on public procurement. Review Organization ID of the organization responsible for the review: ORG-0001 (Public Procurement Office) Organizationand providing information about the review ID of the provider of information about the review: ORG-0001 (Public Procurement Office) 5.1.2 Part Name: Logically complete no. 2 Basic foods Purpose Description of part Reference number: 17/ME/2024 Name: Logically complete no. 2 Basic food Description: Specification of the object of the banterms 1. The subject of the order is the purchase and delivery of various food products. The goods must be delivered undamaged, in a healthy condition, in the highest quality and with traceability of the origin, according to the request of the public procurer in these tender documents and in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Slovak Republic and the EU. Partthe subject of the order also includes related services associated with transport to the place of delivery, loading and unloading of the delivered goods to the warehouse at the destination. The quantities of individual types of goods will be up...


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