Procurement Summary
Country : Hungary
Summary : Food Procurement 2023
Deadline : 06 Apr 2023
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
TOT Ref.No.: 80995282
Document Ref. No. : 185921-2023
Competition : ICB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender Value : Refer Document
Purchaser's Detail
Name :Login to see tender_details
Address : Login to see tender_details
Email : Login to see tender_details
Login to see detailsTender Details
Procurement of food ingredients as follows:
1. part: Mirelit products
2. part: Fats
3. part: Canned goods
4. part: Fruit juices, mineral waters
5. part: Cereals, sugars, dry legumes
6. part: Dry pasta
7. part: Confectionery products
8. part: Spices, flavorings
9. section: Comfort areahoneybees
10. part: Confectionery products
11. part: Capital meats
12. part: Poultry
13. part: Meat products
14. part: Milk and milk products
15. part: Bread, bakery goods
Detailed description in the technical descriptions (in the price tables) that are part of the public procurement documents.
Abbreviations: In the certificate of suitabilityparticipating organization: AIRSZ;
Proposer: AT;
Proposer: AK;
2015. Act CxLIII of the year: Kbt.;
321/2015. (x. 30.) Government decree: R.;
424/2017. (xII.19.) Government decree: EKRr.;
Single European Public Procurement Document: EEKD;
Call for proposals: AF;
Public procurement documents: KD;
FAKSZ: responsible forspecialized public procurement consultant.
Doc Title: Food, beverages, tobacco and related products
Contract Type: Supplies
Document Type : Corrigendum/Additional information (Please refer tender document)
Reference Number : EKR000088712023
Contract Type : Supplies
15860000 - Coffee, tea and related products
15980000 - Non-alcoholic beverages
15840000 - Cocoa; chocolate and sugar confectionery
15820000 - Rusks and biscuits; preserved pastry goods and cakes
15610000 - Grain mill products
15100000 - Animal products, meat and meat products
15896000 - Deep-frozen products
15400000 - Animal or vegetable oils and fats
15897000 - Canned goods and field rations
15500000 - Dairy products
15870000 - Condiments and seasonings
15850000 - Pasta products
15830000 - Sugar and related products
15810000 - Bread products, fresh pastry goods and cakes
15131000 - Meat preserves and preparations
15000000 - Food, beverages, tobacco and related products
15890000 - Miscellaneous food products and dried goods
Authority Type : Regional or local authority
Type of Procedure : Open procedure
Regulation : European Union
Bid Type : Submission for all lots
Doc Title : Food, beverages, tobacco and related products
Dispatch Date : 2023-03-24
Publish Date : 2023-03-29
Submission Date : 2023-04-06
Tender Notice