MUNICIPAL NON-COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE "KIROVOHRAD REGIONAL HOSPITAL OF THE KIROVOGRAD REGIONAL COUNCIL has floated a tender for Forms (Forms). The project location is Ukraine and the tender is closing on 27 Mar 2024. The tender notice number is UA-2024-03-19-006790-a, while the TOT Ref Number is 99088088. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Ukraine

Summary : Forms (Forms)

Deadline : 27 Mar 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 99088088

Document Ref. No. : UA-2024-03-19-006790-a

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : UAH 472640.76

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

Medical card of an inpatient (form No. 003/o) 35, 000 pieces, Doctor's record of the emergency (urgent) medical care department (reception department) 25, 000 pieces, History of pregnancy and childbirth (form No. 096/o) 2, 000 pieces, Caprini scale 6, 000 pieces, Map of a patient who was discharged from the hospital (formand No. 066/o) 36720 pieces, Voluntary informed consent of the patient (his legal representative) to the transfusion of blood components 1550 pieces, Application for joining the public contract for the provision of medical services dated September 3, 2020 (Appendix No. 1 to the public contract for the provision of of medical services from September 3, 2020) 2600 pieces, Informed voluntary consent of the patient for diagnosis, treatment and operation and analgesia (form No. 003-6/о) 143, 000 pieces, Initial description of the obstetrician-gynecologist 1, 000 pieces, Informed consent of parents regarding neonatal screening (Appendix 1 to the Procedure will conductof extended neonatal screening (item 3 of section I)) 2, 000 pieces, Informed consent and assessment of the state of health of a person or child by one of the parents or another legal representative of the child for vaccination or tuberculin diagnostics (f. No. 063-2/о) 2, 000 pieces, Consent to the collection and processing of personal dataof these data 2000 pieces, Register of issued invoices (requirements) (Appendix 4 to the Methodological recommendations for keeping records of medicinal products and medical devices in health care institutions (item 6 of section II)) 3500 pieces, Informed consent to undergo an HIV test form No. 503 -1/about 1400 piece, Initial inspection (surgical) 2000 pcs. observation 1000 pieces, patient movement record sheetand hospital bed fund (form No. 007/o) 10, 485 pieces, x-ray report letter (x-ray cabinet) 30, 000 pieces, Medical birth certificate (form No. 103/o) 3, 000 pieces, Protocol for transfusion of blood and its components (F. no. 003-5/o) 6630 piece, Transfusion registration sheetin (f. No. 005/o) 2, 630 pieces, Card of oncology examination of an inpatient patient 1, 000 pieces, Notification of a patient diagnosed with cancer or other malignant neoplasm for the first time in his life (f. N090/o) 380 pieces, Card of patient No.__, which treated in the physiotherapy department (office) (f. No. 044/o) 10, 000 pieces, Referral for treatment of a patient in a physiotherapy room 3, 000 pieces, Card No.___ of a patient being treated in a physiotherapy department (massage office) 3, 000 pieces, Medical card of an outpatient (form No. 025/o) 106, 500 pieces, Insert letter to form No. 025/about 207, 500 pcsuka, Advisory opinion of a specialist (form No. 028/o); 216, 000 piece, Initial examination by an anesthesiologist (total intravenous anesthesia for children) f. No. 003-3/o (abbreviated) 300 pieces, Emergency notice on the appeal of the victim with reference to an accident/acute occupational disease (poisoningnya) 1, 500 piece, Emergency notification of an infectious disease, food, acute occupational poisoning, unusual reaction to vaccination (f. No. 058/o) 1, 740 piece, Record of the doctor of the emergency (emergency) medical care department (infectious-boxed reception department) 2, 000 piece, Direction toexamination of blood serum samples for the presence of HBs Ag and antibodies to HCV 4, 900 pieces, Notification of injury of a non-industrial nature, form 092/o 950 pieces, Post-operative patient supervision card 500 pieces, Prescription sheet for narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors minpatients receiving treatment in an inpatient or outpatient setting, and the fulfillment of these appointments (order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 07.08.2015 No. 494) f.129-11/о 10700 pieces, Invoice-requirement (Appendix 2 to the Methodological recommendations for keeping records of medicinal products and medical devices in institutions (Clause 5 of Section II) A4 format 8, 500 pieces, Bill of lading (Appendix 2 to the Methodological recommendations for keeping records of medicines and medical devices in health care institutions) (item 5 of Section II) A5 format 21, 150 pieces, Portion demand 4, 000 pieces, Report on receipt and release (use of) medicines andof medical products (Appendix 6, item 7, p. II) 1, 930 pieces, Results of examinations (laboratory, x-ray, functional diagnostics, etc.) 2, 000 pieces, Results of blood tests for Rhesus affinity and Rhesus antibodies (form No. 207/o); 22, 200 piece, Report on receipt and use of medicinal productsand medical devices by stations (manipulation cabinets) (Appendix No. 8 to the Methodological recommendations for keeping records of drugs and medical devices in health care institutions (item 4 of section III) 5, 750 pieces, Work time table 420 pieces, Work time schedule 615 pieces, Direction in the hospitalzation 41, 000 pieces, Referral for examination 50, 000 pieces, Referral for biochemical analysis No.__ of plasma (determination of indicators of the coagulation system) (f. No. 202/o) 52, 200 pieces, Referral for biochemical analysis No.__ of blood, plasma, serum, urine, cerebrospinal fluid (f. No. 202/o) 81, 400 piece, Report on weatherof materials from the report _________ for ________ 20_____ year for all types of expenses 15 pieces, Referral for pathological histological examination (form No. 014/o) 7300 pieces, Referral for blood testing for Rhesus affiliation and Rhesus antibodies (form No. 207/o) 28650 piece, Direction for analysis (form No. 200/o) 107, 300 piece, Referral to blood serological examination (form No. 265/o) 5, 000 piece, Referral to microbiological (bacteriological, virological, parasitological) examination (form No. 204/o) 13, 450 piece, Cytological examination, f. 203/o 6000 pieces, Cytological research, f. 215/about 3500 piece, The list of medical prescriptions is modified by f. No. 011/o 1, 600 pieces, Report on the consumption of materials from the report (blank form) 50 pieces, Direction to carry out an examination for the detection of HIV serological markers (form No. 249-7/o) Order of the Ministry of Health No. 794 1, 800 pieces, Material sample accounting form for research, vicollected from a patient with THRI. Material for research, collected from a patient with THRI (appendix 1) 400 pieces, Referral for testing blood samples for the presence of HCV, HBS antigen 800 pieces, Referral for laboratory testing of material from a person who meets the definition of a case of COVID-19 (Appendixatok No. 4 to the Standards of medical aid for COVID-19) 620 pieces, Direction for bacterioscopic examination of TB 05 (form No. 200-1/0) 100 pieces, Revenue invoice No.____ (A4) 2000 pieces, Revenue invoice No.____ (A5) 2000 pieces, Description of sputum samples sent to TB 05a laboratory (form #240-1/о)6, 000 pieces, Analysis of secretions from the genitourinary organs (form No. 218/o) 9, 500 pieces, Direction for conducting an examination for the detection of serological markers of HIV (form No. 249-7/o) A5 format, 790 pieces, Assessment of the gestational age of the child according to the new Ballard scale and physical development of the child in accordance with the term gestations 200 pieces, Form for assessing the severity of respiratory disorders of a newborn 100 pieces, Blood analysis f. No. 241 (amended) microprecipitation reaction 15, 200 pieces, Certificate No. for the appointment and payment of state assistance in connection with pregnancy and childbirth to women who are not insured in the general insurance systemcompulsory state social insurance control coupon for certificate No. 500 piece, Certificate on the results of research on the detection of HIV serological markers (form No. 503-10/o) 2, 820 piece, Reserve donor card (form No. 430/o) 1, 000 piece, Donor questionnaire ( Appendix 2) 800 piece, Certificate on providing dbenefits (form No. 435/o) 1, 000 pieces, Informed voluntary consent of the donor to the processing of personal data, to the blood donation process and to the examination of his blood sample for hemotransmissible infections 1, 000 pieces, Requirement for KNP "KOSPK KOR" (root) 30 pieces, Adhesive labels: Erythrocytes O(I) 200 pieces, Adhesive-based labels: Red blood cells A (II) 500 pieces, Adhesive-based labels: Washed erythrocytes 50 pieces, Adhesive-based labels: platelets reconstituted from blood dose 50 pieces, Adhesive-based labels: Fresh-frozen plasma A (II) 500 piece, External breathing function7, 000 pieces, pelvic ultrasound 5, 000 pieces, Joint visit of the on-duty anesthesiologists and the head of the VA from LIT 2, 000 pieces, On-duty anesthesiologist (diary) infection-boxed vid-nya 300 pieces, Preoperative examination by an anesthesiologist and protocol of general anesthesia (form No. 003-3 /o) 7500 piece, Pedetailed examination by an anesthesiologist (total intravenous anesthesia) f. No. 003-3/o (abbreviated) 3, 000 pieces, Initial examination by an anesthesiologist (subarachnoid/ epidural anesthesia) f. No. 003-3/o (abbreviated) 4, 000 pieces, Information on the movement of patients 2, 000 pieces, Movement of patients for 1, 000 pieces, Referral to laboratory, rentgenkabinet 40, 500 pieces, General urinalysis (form #210/o) 15, 000 pieces, Clinical blood analysis (form #224/o) 20, 000 pieces, Biochemical blood analysis (procalcitonin) 3, 000 pieces, Biochemical blood analysis (form #228/o) ) urea, creatinine 30, 000 pieces, Blood analysis indicators of the coagulation system (f. no. 237/o) coagulogram 18200 pieces, Result of microbiological examination and determination of sensitivity of selected cultures to chemotherapeutic drugs (f. No. 240/o) 2000 pieces, Analysis result (form 209/o) 3000 pieces, Analysis result (form 209/o)-daily proteinuria 500 piece, The result of immunochromatographyof physical examination (SITO TEST), form No. 498-2/o 42240 piece, Medical examination card of persons to determine the ability to engage in the relevant type of activity according to the state of health f. No. 140-5/o 500 pieces, The result of material research by the PCR method (f.224/o) HBV DNA (qualitative method) 500 pieces, Urine analysis foractivity of α-amylase (diastase) (form No. 214/o) 1, 000 pieces, Blood test No. ___ for the content of hormones (f. 224/o) (thyroid hormones) 3, 000 pieces, Blood analysis for rheumatic tests (f. No. 243/o ) 5, 000 pieces, Blood test No. (f. 233/o) immunoglobulin E (Ig E) 1, 500 pieces, Blood test No. (immunoenzyme analysis)(f. No. 233/o) PSA-total 2000 pieces, Report on the use of alcohol 250 pieces, Preoperative epicrisis 1200 pieces, Application for transfusion media (form No. 459/o) 50 pieces, APPLICATION for current repair work in the department 3200 pieces, Application for voluntary contributions of 10, 500 pieces, Operation scheduleand 300 pieces, Hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration, isolated ultrafiltration operation protocol 500 pieces, SCUF, CVVH, CVVHD, CVVHDF, MPS, HP operation protocol 100 pieces, Plasmapheresis operation protocol 300 pieces, Mother and child monitoring form 2000 pieces, Newborn baby control sheet 1500 piece, Vaginal childbirth (Insert No. 1 to f. No. 096/o) 2, 000 piece, Diary of medical observation of the pregnant woman (Insert No. 4 to f. 096/o) 5, 500 piece, General visit with the head of the department 2, 500 piece, Postpartum medical examination (Insert No. 3 to file No. 096/o) 3, 000 pieces, Consolidated portioner according to KNP "KOL KOR" 800 pcs., Combined ration card according to KNP "KOL KOR" (add/remove) 800 pcs., Distribution according to KNP "KOL KOR" 800 pcs., Adjustments according to buffets 800 pcs. thing, I ____ warned that for the nutrition of the child categorically in favorit is forbidden to use well water 2, 000 pieces, Notification of the birth of a child and examination for the presence of congenital malformations (CHD) of chromosomal and hereditary pathology 100 pieces, Medical certificate No. on passing the preliminary (periodic) medical examination of the employee (Appendix 8 to clause 2.16Procedure for conducting medical examinations of employees of certain categories) 2, 000 pieces, Audiogram 3, 000 pieces, Logbook of work of a dentist (dental clinic, department, office) f. No. 039-2/o 30 pieces, Biochemical analysis of blood (iron, total iron binding capacity) f. No. 228/about 1500 pieces, Sheetdaily accounting of the work of a laboratory technician, laboratory technician (f. No. 261/o) 500 pieces, Blood analysis No. for markers of viral hepatitis (f. 245/o) 15, 000 pieces, Primary examination of the on-duty anesthesiologist in the PIT VE(N) MD of the KNP "KOL KOR" 8, 000 pieces, Duty anesthesiologist VE(N) MD 10, 000 pieces, Hyperbaric session protocolof oxygenation 600 pieces, ultrasound examination EchoKG /M V D/ 10, 000 pieces, Blood analysis No.___ glycemic curve after glucose load (f. No. 232/o) 500 pieces, Result of blood analysis No.____ anaerobic f. No. 209-o 1, 500 pieces, Urine analysis according to Zimnytskyi (f. No. 211/o) 1, 000 pieces, Referral to the study of samplesblood serum for the presence of antibodies to HCV, Treponema pallidum and HBS-antigen (emphasis required) 300 pieces, Medical death certificate No.___ (f.106/o) 1000 pieces, Peripheral venous catheter monitoring sheet (Appendix 2 to SOP No. 4 -2-2023 Version 2) 5000 pieces, Neurosonography 300 pieces, Informed voluntary consent of a pregnant woman to an operation (procedure) of artificial termination of an unwanted pregnancy (form No. 423) 100 pieces, Informed voluntary refusal of treatment by a patient 200 pieces, Referral for a blood test for a Coombs sample (form No. 206/o) 700 pieces, The result of exptsending blood for a Coombs sample (f. 206/o) 700 pieces, Direction for screening studies of markers of transmissible infections (HIV markers, HBs-antigen, Antibodies to HCV, Antibodies to Trep. Pall) 700 pieces, Report of the blood service center (transfusion stations of blood), Transfusion Department of the medical facilityhospital, institution, hospital that collects blood (f. no. 39-health) 10 pieces, Direction for testing blood serum samples for the presence of antibodies to HIV, HCV, Treponema pallidum and HBS-antigen (must be underlined) 1700 pieces, Ultrasound protocol in the period of 11-13 weeks of pregnancy (KTR 45-84 mm) 3500 shhere, Ultrasound protocol in the period of 18-22 and 28-32 weeks of pregnancy 4, 500 pieces, Referral for microscopic examination (form No. 200-1/o) 100 pieces, Certificate of the result of the test for the presence of antibodies to HIV (f. No. 503-4 /o) 30 pieces, Direction for bacteriological examination 650 pieces, Leaflet of medicalappointment of a woman in labor, caesarean section, PC 1000, Anesthesiologist PIT PC 2000, Referral to a forensic medical examination 6000, Central vein catheterization protocol 5000, Analysis to determine the acid-alkaline environment (blood gases) 1000, Blood analysis (f. 233 /0) HBsAG, HCV, testfor HIV 500 pieces, Transfer epicrisis 500 pieces, List of medical prescriptions and observation of VE (N) MD KNP "KOL KOR" 10, 000 pieces, Operation protocol 500 pieces, Pustogram 2, 000 pieces, Blood analysis (enzyme immunoassay) of antibodies to Helicobacter pylori (f. No. 223/o) 500 pieces, Individual weight cardpregnant and parturient (form No. 111/o), A4, 500 piece, Exchange card of pregnant and parturient person f.113/o, A5, 500 piece, Clinical examination with the participation of the head of the neurosurgery department, resident doctors of the department, 300 piece, Certificate from the place of treatment ( about being on inpatient treatment in the department)250 pieces, MPS operation protocol 100 pieces, Referral of a patient with suspected occupational disease to the chief specialist in occupational pathology 200 pieces, Medical advisory commission 300 pieces, Consultative notice 1000 pieces, Insertion sheet for a teenager (f. No. 025-1/о) 100 pieces, Information of the regionrecord of patient visits (f. no. 039/o) 2, 000 pieces, Sheet of observations of SpO2, heart rate, BH (infection) 2, 500 pieces, protocol of the operational meeting of the infectious-boxing department 350 pieces, Referral for sanitary and microbiological research (f. no. 205/o ) 30 pieces, ultrasound Doppler 1, 500 pieces, ultrasound protocol Dopplerometry 1500 pieces, Protocol of ultrasound dopplerometry biophysical profile of the fetus 1500 pieces, Statement of a military serviceman (A5 format) 500 pieces, Type: Goods, CPV: DK 021:2015:22820000-4: Forms


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