Procurement Summary
Country : Slovakia
Summary : From the Right of the Data Network Wan/lan and the Data Network Communication Infrastructure Description: the Subject of the Custom is the Provision of the Service of the Data of the Data Network Wan/lan and the Data Network Communication Infrast...
Deadline : 04 Apr 2024
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
TOT Ref.No.: 98118047
Document Ref. No. : 7434 - MSS
Competition : ICB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender Value : EUR 9624054
Purchaser's Detail
Name :Login to see tender_details
Address : Login to see tender_details
Email : Login to see tender_details
Login to see detailsTender Details
From the right of the data network WAN/LAN and the data network communication infrastructure Description: The subject of the custom is the provision of the data of the data of the data network WAN/LAN and the data network communication infrastructure in the whole of Slovakia. In detail the definition of the subject of the customer is in Part B.1 a description of the subject of the Candy and B.2 Business Terms and Conditions for the Provision of the Subject of the Candard, Summer Documents. Type of customer: service 4.1.4 The extent of procurement estimated value expected (BT-27-Procedure) (value): 9 624 054 Anticipated value (BT-27-Procedure) (name): Euro main classification type of classification: joint vocabulary of the main CPV COD: Service for the counting network of information on additional classification of the subject of information about information on additional classification of the subject of the order Type of classification type: Common Slovery of the CPV CPV KOD: 72710000, 72720000 4.1.5 Information Fulfillment Information. Anywhere in the country supplementing information on the place of performance: in accordance with the award no. Article 2 (2) of the Contract 4.2 The conditions 4.2.1 Reason for exclusion of reasons for exclusion for exclusion: Corruption description/way of demonstration: Sucad ...
time limit for submission of tenders: (date): 04.04.2024 time limit for submission (time): 10:00 Binding of the offer of time limit, until the offer must remain a bound time limit until the offer must remain bound (BT-98 -Lot) (value): 272 time limit until the offer must remain tied (BT-98-Lot) (unit): Day Language for submitting documents Languages in which can be presented to the offers: SLK, CES Information Opponation Offering Dating Dating Opening Offer: 04.04.2024 Opening time: 10:30 Place of opening Picking: Open the offer will be carried out online in IS ERANET. Due to the action of the electronic auction, the opening of the offer is not public, ie. j. Colds who have presented the offer will not be able to take part in the online opening. The operator from opening the offer is not sent to the enclosure. Security requires security: yes description of security: Security is required in the value of € 192, 000. Information for security is stated in the dedicated documents. Countering the submission of an offer or request for the advice of electronic submission Submission: Compulsory address for submission offer (URL): Information on information documents on dedicated documents Limit Access to the Dusty Basis: No Restrictions on access to the documents of the Office Language Long Summer substrates: Slovak Squads Dumps (URL): Supplement ...
Tender Notice