Ida Biasca - Water Treatment Line Renewal - Specialist Competition - Dgp/dgl Consortium... Tender

BIASCA AND SURROUNDING WATER PURIFICATION CONSORTIUM (BIASCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS) has floated a tender for Ida Biasca - Water Treatment Line Renewal - Specialist Competition - Dgp/dgl Consortium of the Biasca and Surrounding Water Purification Consortium. The project location is Switzerland and the tender is closing on 10 Jun 2024. The tender notice number is 1410125, while the TOT Ref Number is 99824593. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Switzerland

Summary : Ida Biasca - Water Treatment Line Renewal - Specialist Competition - Dgp/dgl Consortium of the Biasca and Surrounding Water Purification Consortium

Deadline : 10 Jun 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 99824593

Document Ref. No. : 1410125

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

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Tender Details

The competition is objected to the following services:- General Directorate of Project and General Directorate of Works, as well as specialist in processes, - specialist in electromechanical components, automation and instrumentation of processes, relating to the renewal work of The water treatment line of the water treatment plant of the CDA of Biasca, for the following phases such as provided for in the SIA 112 regulations: • 41 - Call for tenders, comparison of offers, award proposal • 51 - Execution project • 52 - Execution • 53 - Commissioning, completion of the technical file according to Omach and online with what is provided for by the final project and what has already been developed for IDA BIasca; - Resumption of the final project. The required services are specified in the B notebook (Descrizione delle Prestazioni).
Applicant service/contracting entity: Consorzio Depurazione Acque biasca e Dintorni (CDA biasca) Organizing Organizing Entity: Consorzio Depurazione Acque biaca e Dintorni, for the attention of Luca Rodoni, via Chiasso 48 - Casella Postale 1431, 6710 Biasca, Switzerland, Switzerland Telephone: +41918730181, e-mail:
Publish Date: 09.04.2024
Subject of the market
2.1 Title of the market project: Ida Biasca - Rinnovo Linea Trattamento Acque - Concorso Specialista - DGP/DGL
2.2 Object and extent of the market: The competition has the following services:- General Directorate of Project and General Directorate of Works, as well as specialist in processes, - Specialist in electromechanical components, automation and instrumentation of processes, relating to the work to renew the water treatment line of the water treatment plant of the CDA of Biasca, for the following phases such as provided for by the SIA 112 regulations: • 41 - Call for tenders, comparison of offers, award proposal • 51 - execution project • 52 - execution • 53 - commissioning, completion of the technical file according to Omach and online with what is provided for by the final project and what has already been Developed for Ida Biasca;- Resumption of the final project. The required services are specified in the B notebook (Descrizione delle Prestazioni).
2.3 Common vocabulary of public procurement:
2.4 CLI ...


 Tender Notice

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