Procurement Summary
Country : Syria
Summary : Insurance (various Ceramics) Materials
Deadline : 10 Jun 2024
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
TOT Ref.No.: 101447367
Document Ref. No. : 180976
Competition : ICB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender Value : Refer Document
Purchaser's Detail
Name :Login to see tender_details
Address : Login to see tender_details
Email : Login to see tender_details
Login to see detailsTender Details
Beginning date: 2024-05-20
Finishing date: 0000-00-00
Engineers Administration
Announcement for requests for offers
The Chairman of the Contracts and Tenders Committee in the Engineers Administration announces the need for the Ministry of Defense, the Engineers Administration, to secure (various ceramics) materials according to an internal contract in the manner of requesting offers. 30
Those who want to subscribe to request offers can be viewed on documents related Day (Monday) located on (20/5/2024 AD)
-Offers are submitted to the Office of Engineers Administration after watching them from the Chairman of the Contracts and Tenders Committee, and the offers are submitted within three closed envelopes. A- The first envelope: contains the following
1- The documents that prove the availability of the conditions stipulated in Article 16 / of Law No. / 2 / of the year 2022 AD and other required conditions (a commercial record document document registration document is a paper that is not employed from the general registry of workers in the state. A statement not to be deprived of entering into tenders or contracting with ministries or other public bodies, or reserved on his money, a reserve seizure in favor of ...
Tender Notice