OPTESZ OPUS ENERGY SUPPORT PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY has floated a tender for It Stops. Delivery of Control Equipment. The project location is Hungary and the tender is closing on 19 Apr 2024. The tender notice number is 167550-2024, while the TOT Ref Number is 99116992. Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.

Expired Tender

Procurement Summary

Country : Hungary

Summary : It Stops. Delivery of Control Equipment

Deadline : 19 Apr 2024

Other Information

Notice Type : Tender

TOT Ref.No.: 99116992

Document Ref. No. : 167550-2024

Competition : ICB

Financier : Self Financed

Purchaser Ownership : Public

Tender Value : Refer Document

Purchaser's Detail

Name :Login to see tender_details

Address : Login to see tender_details

Email : Login to see tender_details

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Tender Details

Framework sales agreement for the quantity and quality detailed in the public procurement technical description in the subject "Delivery and commissioning of control technical equipment", Kbt. Based on § 105. Paragraph (2) point a) Background: The purpose of this public procurement procedure is to provide services already operating in existing stationsfurther development of switching technology systems - generated by high-current

technological developments, i.e. expanding and supplementing with new telemechanical signals, operations, measurement

processing. This is the expansion of existing field machines with additional modules, into a system of additional field machinesintegration, the further development (upgrade) aimed at the suitability of the iec61850 communication protocol of the operating head machine, and the parameterization and commissioning services required for the expansions. In order to maintain the homogeneity of the existing management technical system, for the expansion fthe type of devices used must fit into the product family of the existing system.

Manufacturer (Infoware) control technology systems are operating in the stations involved in the task description.

1. part Delivery of control technology equipment and commissioning of services (manufacturer exclusivity updata execution)

2. Part Delivery of control technology equipment and commissioning of services (non-exclusive performance of tasks by the manufacturer)...
Document Type: Contract Notice
Reference Number: EKR000385002024
Contract Type: supplies
Authority Type: spec-rights-entity
Doc Title: Alall. delivery of control technical equipment
Dispatch Date: 2024-03-18
Publish Date: 2024-03-20
Submission Date: 2024-04-19


 Tender Notice