AUTO WINDOW LIABILITY COMPANY LIMITED has floated a tender for Logistics Service between Ningbo and Tianjin (China) - Fergana (Uzbekistan).. The project location is Uzbekistan and the tender is closing on 04 Apr 2024. The tender notice number is 24120012350630, while the TOT Ref Number is 99426785.
Bidders can have further information about the Tender and can request the complete Tender document by Registering on the site.
Procurement Summary
Country : Uzbekistan
Summary : Logistics Service between Ningbo and Tianjin (China) - Fergana (Uzbekistan).
(ExW) CHEMETALL GMBH ROSTOCKER STR. 40 D-41199 MONCHENGLADBACH; - preparation of SMR/AWB/RWB invoices; - transportation from the shipper's address to the port of departure or warehouse; - delivery time (25 days)- (ExW) CHEMETALL GMBH ROSTOCKER STR. - Preparation of Bid evaluation method: Lowest price method
Status: Published
Financing source: Avtooyna MChJ ning o'z mablag'lari